Family Trip

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After Bella had finished feeding him the rest of his porridge, he had a little bit of toast and some milk. The moment she announced his punishment was to begin, he grew scared curling into himself as tears prickled the corner of his eyes. Immediately, Auntie Bella cuddled him close trying to assure him that punishments were not going to be like anything his former and vile relatives use to make him endure. A small stool was then placed in one of the corners of the lavish dining room and Harry was placed upon it facing the wall.
"Now I don't want to see your nose move from this corner until I say it's time." She then proceeded to turn back to the table where the adults and Draco were finished eating. As they left the dining room, Grandpa Tom patted him on his head and told him to be good for his aunts. As soon as the heavy doors of the dining room slammed shut, Harry immediately grew fearful thinking he had been abandoned in this room. He didn't know when he would be taken out of the corner and was too afraid to turn back around to ensure that somebody was still there. The fear was due to a severe beating he had gotten from his uncle when he was three years old. It wasn't until he heard the quiet conversation of Narcissa and Aunt Bellatrix that he allowed himself to relax, focusing on his punishment and how he should have handled the situation better. He was thinking about how he shouldn't have acted like such a baby just because he didn't want to be around these people.
No one had ever cared about what he truly wanted so it wasn't a surprise that he got punished for speaking his mind. After what felt like an eternity, but in reality was 5 minutes, he was suddenly lifted off of the stool with a quiet squeak and placed onto the hip of his newly-appointed Auntie.
"Now are we going to do something like this ever again? I understand that you were upset but yelling at your Daddies and grandpa is a big no no. Instead you will talk calmly to one of us and tell us what the problem is," holding the boy close, Bella kept her voice soft. Harry allowed himself a small bit of comfort after being alone, even if it was just a short period of time. He did not catch the word daddies during his reprimand, focusing on the warmth and safety of the arms holding him. He felt tears leaking down his face and flushed in embarrassment.
"I'm really sorry I shouldn't have acted like such a baby."
"No, no. That's not what I'm saying at all. I'm just saying yelling is not how we talk to others. It's okay to speak and get mad and to tell us whatever you're feeling but it's not okay to yell and pout and sulk. Do you understand?" Bella continued to keep her voice soft and her hug firm. Harry answered with a timid nod before snuggling back into her chest never, having felt this much comfort in his entire life. Not only was he hugged by this woman but also by Grandpa Tom and, in just a short time, -although he still doesn't trust them- he had gained a whole new family. He was starting to believe that he would never have to return to his abusive relatives ever again. Without his notice, he was slipped into a new pair of arms.
"And how are you feeling? I know all those big emotions just couldn't be kept inside, right?" Harry was placed on what he now knows as Aunt Cissa's lap as she took her seat next to Bella then resuming their quiet conversation as she rocked Harry, who was trying to soak up the last bit of comfort before they realized what a freak he was and didn't want him anymore.
"I have a fun idea," one of the women was saying, although he wasn't really paying attention to whom. "How about we go shopping, little one?" That was when his eyes popped open, not realizing they were closed nor the fingers he placed in his mouth.
"That's a great idea. Harry could use some more robes and a few extra toys never hurt anyone. The boys could also get some last minute school supplies. I have to go freshen up and get the children ready but we could all meet in an hour, if that is convenient?"
"That would be splendid." All this happened without consulting Harry, the women went their separate ways. Narcissa was still holding Harry but started walking in the opposite direction that Bella had gone to change into more suitable robes.
"The whole family is going to have a nice little outing. Won't that be fun Harry? And maybe if all goes well we can get ice cream." Harry tried not to feel panic at the prospects of going outside dressed as he was as everyone would know how much of a freak  and burden he truly was. Aunty Petunia loved to take him to stores and leave him there for hours until he broke down in sobs, embarrassing himself. He had a feeling that his new family wouldn't allow anybody to hurt him, but he couldn't help being suspicious about the people who've made his life unbearable for the last 2 years. With all these new emotions running through his head, along with the unexplainable ache he felt about being away from Snape he didn't notice when Narcissa had entered the room he woke up in and laid him down on the changing table.
"Hey you can't do this! I'm not a baby! Let me up. I don't need help changing nor do I need to be on this stupid thing. Let me go!" pounding his fist onto the soft mat. Harry was about ready to start a new bout of tears before he was quietly shushed by Mrs. Malfoy.
"I know this is all new but you are a Little and as a Little you need to be treated as such, so I'm going to help you get dressed. If you behave, we'll go out for ice cream after shopping."
Before he could come up with another good argument as to why she should release him from the stupid contraption, the door opened and a new voice called out to them.
"Is the little one feeling better?" Lucius' unmistakable voice drifted to them.
"He just needed to get all those yucky things off his chest. Isn't that right darling?" Turning back to Harry, Narcissa placed a green button down shirt and black pants on the boy. She had him sit up to place socks and shoes on his little feet. "We're planning a day of shopping but only if you promise to behave just like the rest of the children." Lucius looked offended at the prospect that he might misbehave and sported a playful pout as he turned to Harry.
"Can you believe how mean she's being to me! As if I would ever be anything but perfect in the prospects of company," he said it in such a posh tone of voice the Harry couldn't help but giggle. "There's the happy boy! I knew he was in there somewhere! There's only a few days until the start of the school year and I wish to gather a few things as I will be teaching Defense Against the Dark Arts this year. I will gather Severus and we will join you on this little expedition. Who else will be coming along?"
"It'll be just Bella and I along with you, Sev, and Draco so you can go and get him ready while I take this one to go say goodbye to his grandpa after I change."
The pair exit the room and walk two doors down. "This is your daddies and my bedroom. If you ever need us for anything you can always come or callout as we'll hear you."
Before Harry could discourage the new word he found himself exclaiming it the moment the door opened, freezing the room's occupants. Inside the room Severus was standing by the large custom-made bed, buttoning his black shirt. Lucius had just informed the man of the abruptly scheduled family outing. None of that mattered as two sets of eyes snapped towards their family's newest addition. The silly, relaxed smile and partly glazed eyes told them all they needed to know.
Harry had fallen into his headspace. He reached for Severus with desperation and repeatedly called for him in happiness.
"Dada! Dada!" Harry squealed in happiness when Sev scooped him up and kissed his head. Narcissa took advantage of her empty arms to quickly change into nice robes.
"Hello, Harry. Are you ready to go out?" Severus was smiling at the Little, forgetting his robes as he rocked the boy back and forth. He was still filled with anger towards the Dursleys for hurting this pure child who was still much to small and light. Harry was just content with being held by his dada. The family flooed to Digon Alley without a fuss, Harry having slipped very deep into his mindset that it would take a lot to jerk him out of it.
Severus was happily pointing out things to the Little as they shopped. They were having a great outing, uninterrupted as no one recognized Harry. They had gotten all the robes and clothing that they needed, a bunch of books, half of the school supplies, and were getting a few toys when they ran into a few people that they had hoped to avoid....
A voice was yelling at two Red heads. Severus could hear Ron Weasley accusing the twins for associating with lying, theiving, murdering soon to be Death Eaters. His yelling was disturbing Harry, who started to fuss, not yet recognizing the voice. The whimpering made the twins look over at the family, eyes widened as they recognized their little brother.

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