But Aunts Make It All Better

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Harry was inconsolable. No amount of bouncing, talking, or back rubs stopped the seemingly endless river of tears. The worst part was that not even Harry himself knew the reason behind his sudden burst of emotion. Everything just became too much for the young Little and he didn't know how to react to all the abrupt changes.

His relatives use to always make fun of his childish tendencies. It was beaten into him to act as old as he possibly could while taking care of the needs of everyone around him. At home, it was the constant chores and meaningless tasks he was forced to perform. While at school the other Gryffindors took every opportunity to belittle him and knock him around. Harry knew that the only way to remain safe was to do any and everything others told him. 

Except he doesn't feel that way anymore. Here, surrounded by his enemies, his instincts are screaming at him to let go and trust these people, but how does he trust someone when he's never felt safe anywhere but inside his cupboard.

One moment he wants to be held and loved, but a second later he needs to let everyone know how much of a big boy he can be. That he doesn't need to be taken care of by anyone. That's why the minute he felt his cries grow in volume he was quick to silence himself, instead crying silently into his grandpa's shirt.

That's another thing. While he still fears Lucius, Snape, and Lady Malfoy this new person, Grandpa Tom, feels like someone he can trust and confide in. Not only has he been nothing but caring towards Harry, but there is something familiar about him that brings about a sense of calm.

"Come one little one. It's time to eat; I know some food will bring better spirits." Due to being in such deep thoughts along with his crying fit, Harry didn't realize they had left the room and are currently walking down a corridor, followed closely by Lucius and Draco.

Now that Harry isn't running away in fright he has time to appreciate the little details of the stunning hallway. There are loads of little tables holding various knick knacks, vases, and even a few picture frames, some moving while others lay dormant. Along the walls are numerous paintings all of various consciousness.

"Well hello there young man," a voice calls out as the group passes one of the main parlors.

Inside is a glorious painting of an Older version of Lord Malfoy right down to the signature blonde and regal composure. The man is looking down on them from his place atop the fireplace, eyes mainly focused on Harry curled against Tom.

"I don't believe I've had the pleasure of meeting you. I know Tom," he gives a nod of acknowledgement towards the man. "And of course my son and grandchild."

"Hello, father." Lucius greets while Draco waves shyly behind his father.

"But you must be new."

"Father, this is the newest addition to the Malfoy family, Harrison Severus Malfoy-Prince heir to Malfoy, Prince, Snape and Black."

Harry blanches at his full title. His memories of the last few days were present, although a little muggy. He remembered being saved from his cupboard and being soothed and put to bed. There was a faint recollection of the child's re-sorting, but everything else was hazy and seemed to happen years instead of days ago.

"It's nice to meet you young man. I am Abraxas Malfoy, but you may refer to me as Grandpa." Harry, shocked at such a familiar title after just meeting the man, chances a look at this new relative and decides that he'd at least give him a chance like he's doing with Grandpa Tom.

"We should really be heading to breakfast, but I'll be sure Little Harrison visits soon," with that- before Harry could object to being called little- the small group once again sets off on their journey to the dining room, all the while Draco tries to start up a conversation with his new baby brother.

"There's so many fun things to do here. We have an indoor and outdoor pool, a quidditch pitch, a huge field with a garden and tons of books in the library." Soon we enter a large dining room. The table in the center holds 8 seats with a chandelier over-head along with other lavish decor.

"This is the informal dining room where we will take most of our meals." Harry is brought back to the present by Lucius's voice just before the door opens to reveal his new family.

Tom takes his place at the head of the table while Lucius sits at the opposite head. Draco takes place to the left of Tom and Harry is sits in his lap, refusing to be placed at his right. Harry doesn't look up as Snape and Lady Malfoy sit to the right and Left of Lucius. The young Little can't explain the sudden feeling of wanting to be held by his potion professor instead favoring to hold onto his grandpa tighter.

"None of that Little one," he states while prying his fingers from his cloak and turning him to towards the rest of the table. "Don't you want to greet the family."

Looking around the table Harry can't help the blossom of fear, which quickly turns to anger at Lady Malfoy's easy smile and the lack of sneer that usually exist on Snape's face.

"No." Tom raises an eyebrow, but Harry isn't paying attention. Instead the boy sends a glare at Snape who looks about ready to interject but one look from Tom has him holding his tongue.

"Now that is no way to speak to family. You will apologize right now, and after we all eat you can ask any of us anything you wish."

"No!" Harry jumps up. "They can't be my family. Draco has been torturing me since the train ride before 1st year." At this statement Draco looks down in embarrassment. "And

Mr. Malfoy tried to kill me last year all because of that stupid house elf! I didn't even know what a house elf was until the stupid thing dropped cake on my uncle and I got... in trouble." the boy trails off not wanting to think of the beating he got the second the last of the guess had left. Tom starts to open his mouth to stop the child but stops. He knows the child need to get this off his chest and only then can he heal and move on with his new family.

"And where do I even start with professor Snape." Harry continues once he pulls himself from having a brutal flashback. "I can't seem to do anything right. I couldn't answer his questions first year because I wasn't allowed to read my school books and ever other other time he just makes me feel stupid so I say the wrong thing. the class just laughs at me and my own house hates me for all the points I lose us," with the sudden weight lift off his shoulders Harry feels mass relief. So much so that he falls to the floor sobbing unable to hold onto his emotions any longer.

Just as Tom, Lucius and Severus stands to comfort the distress child all feeling different levels of guilt. A new figure flutters into the room, no one even hearing the door open.

"Now what do we have here." Harry is startled into silence as the person, a woman, lifts him into her arms and places his head on her chest. "You poor baby. Someone isn't having a good day now is he?" Harry can only shake his head, not having the energy to deny being a baby when all he wants to do is be held.

"You poor thing. I am your Aunty Bella. Can you say that." She sits down at the table in between Draco and Severus with Harry stradling her lap.

"Aunty Be'wa" Harry lisp his fingers finding their way into his mouth before Bella removes them.

"Good morning everyone. I hope all has been well," she finally addresses the table returning Tom's nod of thanks at how she handled the situation. "Now here's what's going to happen." She gets Harry's attention once more. "Your going to first eat, then spend 5 minutes in the corner."

Harry looks crestfallen at that. Thinking he was in serious trouble for his outburst.

"Now no long faces. I heard your whole speech and even though you were upset now was not the time nor place for such a confession." During Bella's explanation the food finally appeared with a small bowl of porridge popping directly in front of the pair. Gathering a little on a spoon she proceeds to feed a still sniffling Harry.

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