Lord Slytherin

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Tom smiled politely at the senile old man, imagining the death of the man who sought to destroy the wizarding world. Dumbledore was casually sipping his tea, observing the strange family who had demanded a re-sort. Something about the two dark haired men was very familiar, but try as he may, he just couldn't put his finger on it.

"Hello, Headmaster. I am Lord Slytherin. I am head of many Ancient and Noble and Sacred houses. It has been brought to my attention that my grandchild was placed in the wrong house and has suffered for this misplacement." Tom was fighting of a smug smirk, taking great satisfaction from Dumbledore's shock at his name and the paleness at seeing the crest. "As my son and his mates have reclaimed guardianship of him once more, I must ask that you comply or I will be forced to take this to the Board of Governors."

Albus nodded, looking to Professor McGonagall to try to stop the first re-sort in over a century, only for McGonagall to simply presented the hat. Albus sighed in mock sadness.

"I do not understand why you would want to re-sort the child. Is it because he is the first Gryffindor in a long line of Slytherins?" Tom snorted. He could not believe that Dumbledore was trying to make it seem as if family being in the same house mattered more than safety of the family member.

"Headmaster, It matters not which house he is in, but of his treatment in such house.
Since he has been at Hogwarts, my Hadrian has been treated less than a house elf. I care more of his safety in the house than I do with appeasing you. Gryffindor has failed him, causing him great harm. If the board of governors does nothing, I will withdraw all the families under my protection from this school as its Headmaster is dangerous." Tom knew he had won when Albus sighed and nodded weakly. Minerva placed the hat on the child, almost immediately getting the house name.

"SLYTHERIN" The hat's voice filled the silent office. Most of the Family smiled and Severus carried his youngest son back to the common room as Bella and Tom finished the last of the discussions with the dimwitted Headmaster. Harry looked up at Severus and made some happy noises when Severus kissed his forehead.

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