Bought By Family

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AN: AvengerOfTheGods You are amazing
It was two nights after visiting the bank when the Prince-Black-Malfoys stood outside Number 4, the Dursley residence.  The papers were drawn up, only needing the Dursleys' signatures to make it legal in both worlds. Severus, Lucius and Narcissa all apperated to a alleyway near the house and walked the rest of the way.

They wore expensive Muggle formal clothing and had their wands in easily accessible places. Petunia, a horse faced woman, greeted them with a sickeningly sweet smile. Her eyes showed her disgust when she saw that there were three people who were married to each other but didn't say a word. She led them to the living room, Vernon introduced his family and started to talk about something that he believed would lead to a promotion, smirking when he saw the papers Narcissa held.

The wizards watched as Narcissa talked to Petunia like they had known each other forever as Lucius placed a document in front of Vernon. Severus couldn't help the scowl that came onto his face when Vernon laughed.

"We're here to collect what you owe." Lucius gets right to the point.

"I didn't steal money or anything! Those sales were paid 100% to Grunnings. I don't know who you think you are but any money I can get is worth it. What can I sell to you to get you to forget about this? A night with my nephew? He's the perfect stress reliever and will take anything you give him." Vernon was smiling insanely. Severus made a split moment decision and nodded.

"We will buy the boy from you as long as you will sign this form and the one my lovely wife has." Severus smirked as he saw the dollar signs appearing in the whale's eyes.

"How much do you want for the whore?" Vernon had fallen right into the trap. Lucius smirked as he saw Bellatrix, her husband and brother in law, behind the Dursleys, wands drawn.

"Your life," Severus stated simply, "if you are lucky." He laughed as Petunia paled. Bella and the others imperioed the adults, making them sign away Harry. The house was sold to a Mr. Leone, and it appeared as if the Dursleys had moved out of the country, having changed their names. After everything was signed, the Dursleys were taken to some cold, dark, damp dungeon. Bella had found Harry in the cupboard, covered in bruises, blood, bodily fluids, and in a mindset of a baby. The boy had started to wail and struggle when Bella picked the thirteen year old up. Her gasp at how light the boy was drew the other four to her side.

"Hello, little Harry." She spoke in a soft, calm voice hoping to get the child to relax and settle down. "I'm Auntie Bella. Do you want to meet your daddy? He's been really scary without you." Bella continued to talk to the boy as Severus transfigured a diaper, onesie, changing table, and pacifier to get the boy semi presentable as there was only two more days till Hogwarts started and most of Slytherin would be in the common room in an hour for the traditional party. They would stay until it was time to head to the train station. This year, Harry would be resorted as his last name had changed and that meant they had to hurry. Bella placed the kid on the table, Narcissa had him changed and cleaned faster than one could say quidditch, and Lucius had placed a fake body they had called Leo in the entryway. The brothers Lestrange set the house on fire with fiends fire as they left to Slytherin Common Room, the child being held by Severus.

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