Part 7- Pain

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I woke up early today because i'm going to visit Ji-eun in the hospital. I wore a nice polo and make sure that i look presentable infront of her. When everything was clear, i went down stairs to bake some fresh cookies for my girlfriend. I placed it inside a cute box with a little ribbon for a decorative look. I packed everything inside my bad that Ji-eun bought me for my birthday. After i was done with everything, i grabbed my bag, went to my car, and drove off the road.


I stopped in front of the hospital and was about to go inside, when i spotted a vendor selling roses. I walked to his place.

"Excuse me," i said as i took a bouquet of red and white roses.

"How much is this?" i asked the vendor.

"5 won." (A/N: I'm not sure about that. Haha!) he replied with a smile. I paid for the roses and went inside the building. While i was walking i saw Suji , on my way to Ji-eun's room. I smiled to her and she did as i did. I entered her room, silently. I peeked my head inside to see if she's already awake, but the results are otherwise. I just slowly entered the room and quietly placed the box of cookies and roses on the table beside her bed. I was about to sit on the chair next to her bed, when i heard a familiar voice.

"Jungkook?" with that, my heart stopped. I really wanted to cry this time. I turned around and faced her.

"Babe, i missed y-" she didn't finish her sentence when i interrupted her.

"What the heck do you want?" i asked with an annoyed face. Gosh, i just want to stare at Ji-eun's beautiful face with no interruption! Why does she have to show up?

"Ummm... You?" she said as she took one step forward and was about to go inside the room, when another voice stopped her. She really looked (jung) shook.

"Sorry, miss. But you're in the wrong room." i looked at the owner of the voice and it was.... Ji-eun.

"What? Who the heck are you?! What are you doing inside this room why my babe?" the another shouted.

"Let's see, hm? First, breathing. Second, talking. Third, moving. Forth,-" Ji-eun replied. I was about to laugh when the girl spoke back.

"Ugh. You know what? I'm done with  this crap. I don't care about you-" Ji-eun cut her off again.

"Blah.. Blah... Blah.... Do i look like i care? Bish, no thanks." she said sarcastically with such sass. The other girl seemed to be (jung) shook herself. We seemed to have a similar expression. I never expected Ji-eun to be this sassy and classy.

"You- I- Ugh- Fine! Whatever! You- Ugh! Such losers!" she said and walked out. I couldn't help it anymore. I laughed. So hard that i didn't even notice Ji-eun laughing with me.

"One word. Wow!" i said with my bunny smile, laughing a little. I looked at Ji-eun in the eyes as she looked at mine. But there's something there between us that i couldn't explain. Like, a spark? I don't know how to describe my feelings for her but i can tell that it is somewhat special.


Jungkook looked at me in the eyes as i did the same with him. I don't know why, but his gaze is...different. It's a good different, but... I think there is love in his gaze.

"Why? What's wrong? Are you okay?" i attacked him with questions, and he seemed to be realizing what he was doing.

"What? Oh- no!- Um-" my eyes softened seeing the boy stuttering.

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