Part 29

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Parth was feeling weightless, he felt as if he was floating, he has never felt this calm in his whole life but soon it was disturbed by some light flashing in front of him, he so wanted to just get up punch the person right across his face, who he knew was dev but he couldn't wake up and then he hears an unfamiliar voice from a lady and he freaks out because no women was allowed in their dorm.

Lady-oh my god, he is bleeding

Parth-What are you talking about lady, who was bleeding in my dorm room

Man-ritu call an ambulance, I'll try to stop his bleeding

Suddenly parth feels that shooting pain again and his calmness was gone, long gone as if it was never there

Here karan and rd were exiting from the pizza hut with their pizza order when rd's phone rings

Rd-yes parth

Man-hello, I don't know whose phone this is but we found the owner of this on the road, I think he was met with an accident, we are taking him to the city hospital, your number was on speed dial

Rd(running his hand across his face)-I'll be on my way, please be there till I arrive


Rd-karan, lets go to city hospital

Karan-what happened rd

Rd-its parth

Karan(getting in the car)-what happened to him

Rd-I don't know karan, lets just go

Karan-ok ok fine, calm down will you

Rd-I am fine, just drive fast, ok

Karan-ok ok fine

They reach the hospital in 10 mins and rd runs to the ER

Rd-the person who was brought in just now ,an accident car

Before the receptionist could answer a young couple come to them, the man's cloth was covered in blood

Man-I was the one who called you, they have taken him to the operation theater

Rd-thank you so much for calling me

Man-that's totally fine, but the doctors said that he is critical, and its not an accident case, he was beaten and he was even shot

Rd and karan(shocked)-WHAT!!!!!

Rd-he was shot, I can't understand this

Man-the hospital has called the police but since he was badly injured, they didn t wait for the police, they might be here soon

Rd-I really don't know how to thank you, thank you soo much for finding him

Man-its ok, I ought to do that as a human being

The police arrives but they didn't ask much questions which was confusing everyone so much, they asked the man and his wife some questions like where they found him, what was his condition and then they just left and the couple also left

Rd-whats wrong with these people, I think there is something to it

Karan-shouldn't we tell his family

Rd-wait, lemme check his phone, I don't know much about his family

Rd checks his phone and he didn't find any number other than his own on the speed dial list and he didn't even find his mom or dad's number

Rd-I can't find any number

Nurse comes towards them

Nurse-who is the guardian of the patient, I need the sign of the guardian

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