The rain slams down hard against the paved sidewalk making it turn a grey shade of colour. Everyone around rushes for shelter from the heavy rain that falls, I wrap my jacket around my body tighter as I contemplate whether or not I should make a run for it or wait until the rain lightens into a drizzle or stops completely.
I cast my attention up towards the clouds, they are dark and heavy rain falls from them. I don't think this rain will be ending anytime soon. My dorm building is only a couple of minutes away from where my classes are, but do I even risk it in this weather? The last time I was caught in a rain storm like this was six months ago, and it is definitely something I don't want to happen again. Six months ago, my heart was broken by someone who I thought loved me.
A crack of thunder shakes me to my core and I sigh loudly at it. If I don't go now, I am going to be stuck here all evening. I pull my backpack off my shoulders and clutch it tight to my chest, I can't risk ruining my papers or laptop because of the rain. I hold my jacket above my head with one hand while the other holds my backpack close to me. I inhale deeply before running out into the pouring rain.
The rain splats down against the street at a fast pace. Of all nights we go out, we got out on one of the rainiest of nights in Vancouver. Our hands are clasped together as we walk briskly through the streets of downtown Vancouver, our bodies are soaked to the core as the rain never seems to slow down. Hudson walks ahead of me, almost pulling me along with him. He doesn't look back at me, his attention straight ahead and doesn't slow down for anything.
"Huds." I call out to him. He ignores me and continues to drag me through the wet, almost flooded, street we walk down.
"Hey, Hudson." I yell coming to a dead stop in the street. Hudson's cold hand leaves mine and he turns around almost instantly. I see his dark eyes meet mine for a second, droplets of water fall from his eye lashes as he stares at me.
"What's wrong?" He asks averting his eyes away from me.
"Slow down, I can't keep up with your long legs." I tell hugging my arms around my body. The droplets of rain fall quickly in front of my face, I squint hard to make out Hudson's figure who stands a foot or two in front of me.
"We are stuck in the pouring rain, I'm sorry that I want to get somewhere warm before we freeze to death." He says abruptly and turns around to walk away. I stare in shock at him, I don't think I've ever heard him use that tone before in the three years we have been together. I trail after him, almost running to keep up with his long strides.
Suddenly, Hudson stops dead in the street. I run into his back and stumble back from the force, I rub my forehead as I look up to him. He runs his hands across his cheeks, his hair is pushed back from his face.
"I can't do this anymore." Hudson says instantaneously. I try to catch his eyes, but he looks elsewhere, I haven't seen him look at me for weeks and if he does, it's for a second and then he looks elsewhere.
"Do what?" I wonder and shiver as a cold wind passes by us. Hudson deeply sighs, he doesn't seem to care that we're standing in the middle of a rain storm. The thunder booms and rumbles above us, the rain beats down harder against us, and here we are standing in soaking wet clothes talking. I shiver again and try to keep warmth inside my body, but the cold, wet rain doesn't seem to ease up.
"I can't be with you anymore." Hudson tells and keeps his eyes off me. I feel colder at Hudson's words, I wish he wouldn't continue speaking after what he said but he does.

FanficHer heart was shattered to pieces six months ago. Cold hearted and distant, she kept herself closed up allowing nobody in. She's afraid to love again, afraid to let someone in and for them to break her heart like before. But it's proving difficult...