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Two worlds collide. Two DIFFERENT worls collide. Different persons, different attitudes. But what if there's just one mistake that will make those hearts ache?

Why is love so unfair?

You don't know if you you'll be forever. At first, you are happy together. But in the end you'll hate each other. But love will never be perferct. It has many controvercies that will test you how strong you are. And when you broke up it hurts you so much. Besides you don't want to live anymore.

People said you have to trust each other when you are in a relationship. But what if my heart falls to the person who hurts many people? Is it really easy to trust?

Yes, its is easy to trust someone but once you've been hurt you dont want to trust anymore. It won't bring back the things that is gone and will never change the feelings when its done.

CHANCETahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon