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"This isn't an alliance with the Ghoulies! This is a hostile takeover!" Jughead shouted, while pacing back and forth, while Archie sat on the couch, and I sat on the bar stool.

"God, who knows how long Tall Boy has been betraying us! Maybe we stall, until Sweet Pea and Toni get out. I just hope they would rather go to war with the Ghoulies, than to start..."

"Jug..." I said, trying to get his attention.

"...dealing with Jingle Jangle." Jughead sighed.

"You joined the Serpents to keep the peace."

"My dad would never sit back and let this happen. Neither will I!" Jughead shouted and I get up.

"Let's talk about this." I say, and Jughead looks at me.

"And why aren't you angry?" Jughead asked, and I scoff.

"Believe me, I'm angry, just not stupid." I say, and Jughead rolls his eyes and sits on the couch, "JJ, my dad was also the leader of this, and I'm not letting this slide through. I have anger pent up inside me, waiting to burst. So, if you have a better idea-,"

"Maybe not us." Archie commented and gets up, "But, Kali, what you just said."

"Dad." Jughead answered, catching on to Archie's drift.


Here we were, sitting across from not only my father, but Jughead's father. I was surprised when they let them us see them at the same time. I had a phone to my ear, as the boys next to me, had their own.

"Start from the beginning, kids." FP says, sighing as he sees Jughead wearing a Serpent jacket. I was excited to see FP, but when he looked over at me I shrugged my shoulders. FP only had one rule for Jug, he never wanted him to become a serpent.

"Don't look at me, I didn't encourage it." I say, and FP smiles at me.

"Good to have you back, Kali." He says, I salute him and Jughead sighs.

"Hey, you can reprimand me for joining the Serpents later, but if we don't do something now, there will be no Serpents." Jughead warned, "Just Ghoulies."

FP turns to my father, in disbelief of what he was hearing. My father clenched his jaw, and angrily slammed his hand against the wall beside him, FP was angry too, controlling his breathing,

"Ghoulies dress like fops, but they're a nasty crew. Serpents have survived worse though. Much worse. Only hitch, it sounds like you're both out-manned. Which means, you gotta avoid bloodshed at all costs."

"I agree 100%." Jughead and Archie say at the same time.

"So, think em out. This is about territory. If there's one thing Ghoulies love, it's their crazy souped-up retro cars and hearses. You catch the drift, kids?" FP asked, and my father looks around and makes sure there weren't no guards.

"Challenge them to a street race, one on one. Kali, use the car we used to work on when you were little. But keep it on the DL though, this is illegal, it'll get you locked up. You already have a record." My dad explained, and I nodded.

"Go on."

"Set the terms to the race. If their guy wins, Serpents roll over."

"And if we win...Ghoulies back off." Jughead answered, and FP nods.

"And maybe you raise the stakes higher, whoever wins, controls Southside High." FP continues, and I nodded.

"And we get rid of the Ghoulies, along with the Jingle Jangle. Which will get Mayor McCoy off our backs." I said, and my dad nods.


After talking with our Dad's going over the plan, and just talking, we decided to take that very plan to Ghoulie territory.

"Me and my boys, we want to challenge you to a race. If we win, Serpents remain autonomous, and you quit dealing at Southside High." Jughead announces as we walked in and Malachi stands quiet for a second.

"And if we win?"

"We back down and you can continue killing everyone in Southside High with those cute little straws you have." I answered.

"So, the mighty Serpent Princess and Prince have some stones, but not much else. So, unless your Highnesses want to put some of Daddy's territory on the table, I got no reason to be in this race." Before Malachi could finish, everyone's head turned when the door opened. The two boys beside me was shocked when they saw two girls being hauled in by a Ghoulie.

"They were following me, tried to get in the garage." The Ghoulie stated.

"Veronica? Betty?" Archie and Jug said at the same time.

"Jughead? Archie?" The girls also asked in unison, and more confused when they saw me.

"What are you doing here?" The four asked at the same time, I rolled my eyes at them.

"Wait? So, these are your bitches?" Malachi asked, pointing to the two girls

"I beg your misogynistic pardon." The raven head remarked.

"Why don't the three of you take your two little skanks and get the hell out of here!" Malachi snapped, "Unless you make me a better off, there will be no race." He says, but I stepped forward.

"If you win, we'll give you the Whyte Worm, you can expand your drug-dealing horizons and upgrade out of this shithole." I stated, and Malachi smirked and walked closer.

"We'll take the Whyte Worm, Sunnyside Trailer Park, and the Princess." He answered, looking at me and I glared at him.

"No, she's not apart of this-," Jughead was about to protest, but I nodded.


"What?" I hear everyone say, but my focus was on Malachi.

"Kali, you don't-," Jughead starts but I stopped him.

"Only way he will participate in this is if I'm on the table." I said, and Malachi smirks.

"She's right."

"I'm not letting you do this Kali." Jughead says, and I looked at him.

"It's not up to you, it's my decision. Even if that means putting me on the line." I said, and Malachi smirks.

"Oh, it's great to have you back baby."


EDITED: 06/03/2019

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