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Archie sighed as he knelt down, examining one of the front tires of his dad's truck, while shining his flashlight at it to have a better look. I ran a hand through my hair and tapped my foot impatiently on the ground.

"And of course, I don't have a friggin' spare." Archie commented, moving away from the car and coming towards me, "We're going to have to call Triple C."

"No. The crate is on the back, and they will call the cops and I'm going back to jail." I argued back, "Call your Lodge girlfriend to bring us a spare or Jugheads girl."

"Are you crazy? I'm not dragging my friends into this mess, especially not Betty. Jug does that enough. Hey, what about Jughead?" Archie says, and I shake my head.

"Not Jughead. I can't get him into this, I made sure he wouldn't be caught up in this mess." I snap at him, and he turns to me.

"Okay, so what do we do then! You can't call any of the Serpents?" Archie argued, and I shook my head.

"No, this isn't their business." I say, and sighed, "You have to know someone else who has a truck?"

"Yeah." Archie says, picking up his phone. While Archie was still in the middle of his call, cars lights flashed at them as a truck beeped its horn. I quickly turned around and see the truck coming to a stop. The truck slowly pulled over and parked in front of Archie's truck.

"Don't talk, I will." I say, and Archie gives me a look. Before he could talk back, a man jumps out of his truck.

"Having some car trouble?" The man asked, making his way closer.

"Yeah." I answered, just as Archie said, "No." I gave him a look, before stepping forward, making my way closer to the man, who was also walking forward.

"We need a spare tire. Or a ride to Greendale, if you can help."

"Uh, no spare, but I'm passing through Greendale." He answered calmly. The man tilted his head to the side and his attention went quickly to the crate, making him give us a confused look, "What's in the crate?"

"Party stuff." I answered, it may have sounded dumb, but it wasn't. The man looks at me and nods.

"Well, I can take you, but it's going to cost. How much cash you got?" He asked, and I stood straighter.

"Twenty-three dollars." I answered, and the man nodded.

"Okay, but I only got room for one."

"Me, and the crate." I replied as the man started to walk towards the car. I was about to follow him, but Archie grabbed me and pulled me back.

"Are you crazy? You're seriously going to go with this guy, alone?" Archie asked, concerned and confused.

"I don't have a choice." I said, I look at his hold and back at him, "Touch me again, and you're losing that hand." I said, snatching my arm out of his grip.

"Hey, are we doing this or not?" The man asked, as he stood by his truck.

"I'll be there." I answered, I look back to Archie and sighed, "Look, sorry for dragging you into this, but thanks. You may not know me, but you definitely did one for me." I said, and Archie goes to say something, but I cut him off.

"Don't sweat it Red, you're off the hook. Just stay with your dad's truck, and stay out of trouble?" I said, and I walked over and Archie debated after a while but helped me lift the crate into the guy's truck. As we placed the crate in the back, Archie's attention went to under the green tarp.

"Don't look under that tarp, boy." The man says, out of no-where. After the man got into his truck, I sighed and glanced at Archie as I was about to step into the truck.

"Be careful, alright?" He says, and I gave a small nod. Even though we had only met, he certainly was concerned.

"Thanks Red." I say, before getting into the man's truck. Soon as I got in, the guy started the car and I watched as Archie got further away.

"Thought your boyfriend back there was Jason Blossom for a hot minute. Ever heard of him?" The man smiled, and I nodded my head.

"I wasn't in town for it, but I heard all about it." I say, and he nods, "And that boy wasn't my boyfriend, just some guy I know."

"This is truly judgement day, and he is the reaper, for Riverdale is soulless and corrupt. But in the Black of the Hood is the light of God. And when you see it, you will die. Unless you are of heavenly things and pure."

"Do you mind if I turn this down?" I asked, cringing as I heard it, I leant forward and turned it down. Not wanting to hear it anymore.

"You know, a lot of righteous people are saying he's doing God's work. The Black Hood." He says, and I turned to him.

"That's a way to look at things."

"Yeah, you know what this whole Black Hood thing reminds me of? The Riverdale Reaper is what." The man says, and I frowned turning to face him.

"I didn't know Riverdale had a reaper?" I said, shocked, and the man nodded.

"Makes my blood run cold just thinking about it." He says, then looks at me, then continues to look out into the road.


EDITED: 06/03/2019

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