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Jughead had called me, telling me to meet him at Riverdale High. I didn't want to be caught dead in that place again, but he said he had some news, so I went with it. That's where we are now, I was standing with Jughead as we faced his friends.

"JJ, do you want to explain to me what I'm doing here?" I said to Jughead, and he smiles.

"I needed all my friends here for some exciting news. Guys, may of you may not have met her, but this is Kali Martinez, she's my childhood best friend." Jughead says, and I have an awkward wave to them.

"Kali, that's Veronica Lodge and Betty Cooper." Jughead says, and both girls smiled at me and I returned it.

"Jug, can you please speed up the process here." I whispered to him, he chuckles and nods.

"So, the reason I had called you guys in here is..." Jughead started, and I raised my eyebrow, "My Dad is getting out of jail. Both of ours." Jughead says, facing me and I couldn't help but smile.

"Really?" I said and he nods, and my smile got wider, if that was even possible.

"Jug...that's great."

"Yeah!" Veronica added in, smiling, "What heralded this miracle?" As I looked over at Archie, he gives me a concerned look. Jughead already knows everything that happened, so Jughead had a lie already in store.

"Uh, overcrowding at the jails. I guess they overviewed our dad's case and after Cheryl's testimony it was a perfect storm." Jughead says, he quickly glances at me and I do the same. Jughead and Archie keep talking, I decided to walk over to the girls and they looked at me.

"I just wanted to come over and thank you guys." I say, and they both look confused.

"For what?" Betty asked, smiling.

"For looking out for him. Jughead is like a little brother to me. When I left, I didn't really think about what he was going through. I'm glad he had finally met someone who loves him just as I love him." I say to Betty and she smiled.

"Your welcome, and I know you looked out for him while he was at Southside High."

"It's nice to know he has made other friends." I said, they chuckled and I joined them.

"I never got to thank you too." Veronica says, "Archie told me what you did for him. Even though he was stupid enough for that whole Sheriff Keller thing, I appreciate you looking out for him."

"It's no problem. I'd do anything Jug asked me too." I say, and I look at Jughead who was smiling with Archie and I looked away.

"I better get going, I have some celebrating to do." I say, and everyone laughs, "It was nice meeting you girls finally. I'll see you later JJ." I say, and I walked out of the room.


I smiled brightly as I walked up the steps into the Whyte Wyrm and made my way over to the pool tables, followed by Jughead.

"Alright, listen up, we have an announcement to make." I stated looking at all the Serpents who were around, "Our dads getting out. Both of them." I say, and everyone started to cheer.

"And when they do, we'll bring them up to speed on our plans with Mayor McCoy." Jughead spoke out.

"That's brilliant." Tall Boy announced, placing the drink that he had in his hand in front of him, before standing up.

"Do you have a problem with that, Tall Boy?" Jughead asked, sternly.

"Your old man? No, I got no problem with him. But you want us to sit down with the Mayor."

"We do. He's right." Jughead spoke out, speaking for the both of us.

In my opinion, I didn't want us to speak with the Mayor, or even be in the same room as her. She's caused me trouble, and I knew it was only going to make things worse for the Serpents.

"I think we can bring Southside back. And it's going to take work and it's going to take compromise." Jughead says, and Tall Boy laughed.

"Bring the Southside back. You have been here all of five minutes."

"He may have been here all of five minutes, but I've been here longer. And you know what, Tall Boy? I'm sick of you acting like a little bitch." I said, stepping down from the steps.

"Whispering behind his back, saying he's half a serpent. Don't forget, he and FP were by my father's side longer than you have been my father's bitch! How could you say he doesn't belong here. He has the blood of a legacy." I say, glaring at him, "How about an old fashioned vote? If you guys think that what Jones and I are doing here is wrong, we'll step aside." I argued and looked around. Within seconds, both Sweet Pea and Toni stood up, as Sweet Pea spoke out.

"All those who stand with Princess and Jughead, and think that Tall Boy should shut the hell up..." Both Sweet Pea and Toni raised their hands, followed by the rest of the Serpents. I couldn't help but smile at Sweet Pea.

Tall Boy gave us a death glare before storming out of the bar like a little baby. I smiled, and quickly walked over to Sweet Pea and pulled him for a kiss.

"Thank you." I said, smiling at him and he smiled.

"Anything for you Princess." He says and pulls me in for another smirk.

"When did this happen?" I hear Jughead say, I pull away and chuckle, looking at him.

"That is none of your concern, Jones." I say, smirking Jughead rolls his eyes at me and I smiled.

"Just don't hurt her, alright Sweet Pea." Jughead says, Sweet Pea smirks and looks down at me.

"Don't even bet on it." He says, I smiled and pulled him down into another kiss.


My frown on my face turned into a huge grin as I saw my father walk out of prison, with FP trailing closely behind him. I ran over to him, passing Betty and Jughead who came with her mum, Alice Cooper and jumped into my father's arms. I squeezed him tightly, he sets me down, and puts a hand on the side of my face.

"I missed you." He says and kissed my forehead. He pulls away, I see FP and I couldn't help but smirk and pull him into a hug.

"When did you get so tall?" FP says, pulling apart looking at me and I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Told you I was going to be taller than you." I said, he laughs pulling me into his side and we walk over to Jughead and Betty. Jughead smiled and FP pulls him into a hug and looks at Betty.

"Hey, Betty." He greeted her and she smiled.

"Hi Mr Jones." Betty answered.

"Dad, this is Betty, Jughead's girl. Betty, this is my father Nicholas." I say, and she smiles.

"Nice to meet you Mr Martinez." She says, and my dad smiles, then he looks to see Ms Cooper standing there.

"Alice?" My dad and FP say at the same time.

"Is it true what they say about men who just got out of prison?" Ms Cooper asked, crossing her arms.

"What do they say?" FP asked, as my dad glanced at him.

"They say they're incredibly sexually frustrated." She answered, calmly and I looked at Betty and Jughead.

"Please tell me I didn't just hear that?" I muttered out to Jughead.

"I'm not sure myself."

"Mom!" Betty gasped, and I chuckled.

"How much you wanna bet your father and Ms Cooper screwed when they were our age?" I remarked, which made Jughead chuckle. Betty on the other hand was grossed out.

"No way, I'd say it was your dad." Jughead says, and I smirked.

"You're on."


EDITED: 06/03/2019

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