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"Ugh, I hate the holidays." I said, trying not to gag at the thought of all the Christmas decorations around us.

"What do you mean? You used to love Christmas." Jughead says, sitting across from me on his laptop.

"Yeah, when I was 12. It's called growing up." I said, and he rolls his eyes.

"Don't be such a Grinch." He comments and now it was my turn to roll my eyes. I hear the bell ring, and I look over to see Archie and what seems like to be his father walk in with a Christmas tree.

"What do you say, Pop? Is it okay?" Archie asked, holding one end as his father holds the other side.

"The best tree yet." Pop smiled brightly, "Thanks Archie, thanks Fred."

"Oh no, thank you, Pop. For letting us set up shop right in front of the diner." Fred says, smiling. Archie looks over towards us, and I nodded at him. He leaves his fathers' side, and he slides in next to Jughead who closes his laptop and looks to Archie.

"So, any holiday plans?" I asked and he nods.

"Yeah, was going to see my mum but she had booked a single's cruise so..." He says, and Jughead sighs.

"How are you and Veronica?" He questioned and Archie slightly shook his head.

"We've been better." He replied.

"If it's any consolation, Betty and I haven't been in the greatest of places either." Jughead answered quietly. Our conversation came to a pause as Archie's dad comes towards us.

"Hey Jug, you want a Christmas tree? For you and your Dad? On the house." He says, and Jughead smiles.

"It'll have to be a small one Mr A." Jughead joked, Fred spots me and smiles.

"Hi, I'm Fred Andrews, Archie's Dad."

"I'm Kali Martinez." I say, and Fred smiles.

"Your Nicholas' kid?" He says, smiling and I nodded.


"How is he?"

"He's good, thank you." I said, and Fred smiled nodding.

"Would you also like a Christmas tree? It's on the house." He says, and I smiled shaking my head.

"We don't celebrate this festive season." I say, Fred gives a sad smile to me, and then nods.

"Alright, fair enough. See you kids later." He says walking off and I look over to the boys who were looking at me.


"You don't celebrate Christmas?" Archie asked and I shook my head.

"No, because she celebrates it with me and my Dad." Jughead says, and I rolled my eyes.

"Yeah, because that turns out so well every year." I say, and Jughead smiles.

"So, what about you? Seems like Jug and I are the only ones with relationship problems? Yours can't be as bad as ours?" Archie joked, turning the conversation into a lighter one and I laughed.

"Sweet Pea and I are fine, if that's what your asking. Way better than Team Bughead and Team Varchie." I said, smirking, and they laugh.

"You still coming tomorrow for Kevin's Secret Santa thing?" Archie asked and I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know why I'm going. One, I hate Christmas, two I don't know your friends." I say, giving them a look.

"And three?" Jughead says, smirking I give a fake smile and give him the finger.

"Come on, Veronica and Betty want you to be there. They want to include you in." Archie says, and I groan.

"Do I have to go?" I say, pouting and the boys laugh.

"If I'm going, your going." Jughead says, I rolled my eyes and we laugh together.


I woke up the next morning, still thinking about the whole Penny thing. Every day, I watched as my father did the jobs, I had too do. I shook my head of the thought and I got ready, slipping on my black ripped skirt, pairing it with my AC/DC crop top. I slipped on my combat boots, grabbing my jacket and bag and walk out of my room. As I ran a hand through my hair, I walk out to see my dad was getting read to leave. He looks at me quickly.

"I thought you had already left. FP was telling me your meeting Jughead at the high school." He says, and I nod.

"Anyway, I was thinking about our problem with Penny."

"My problem. Not ours." My Dad corrects me, and I sigh.

"You're not the one on camera who delivered drugs." I say, and he looks up at me.

"How I deal with Penny is not your problem. I'm handling it." He replies to me, looking outside for a brief second before looking at me.

"Oh, by pimping out the Serpents to be drug-runners." I scoffed crossing my arms over my chest.

"Kali!" My Dad warns me, pointing at me before the trailer door opens and in walks Tall Boy and FP.

"Toss them in the corner." Dad instructs them, as they walk in carrying a couple duffel bags.

"What's in the bags?" I questioned, not obeying a word my father told me.

"What did I say? Mind your damn business and get to school." He demanded. I scoffed, rolling my eyes, putting my bag over my shoulder before exiting the trailer.

"I'm pretty sure school is that way." Sweet Pea says, laughing as we walked the opposite direction from what we were walking.

"I know. Not in the mood for more bullshit." I replied and Sweet Pea nods.

"Well then, I guess I'm skipping too. Where to?" He commented, and I couldn't help but smile.

"You don't have too."

"No, I want too. And I may as well give you your gift." He says, as we stopped walking and made it to some random part of the Southside, and we both found a bench to sit on.

"And I guess I will too." I smiled agreeing with him. I went into my backpack, pulling out an envelope and hid it behind my back. I look back to Sweet Pea and he smirks.

"I want to give mine first." I said and he nods and chuckles. I handed it to him, smiling and he opens it, and gasps. It was concert tickets to see his favourite band, they had been sold out for weeks.

"No way! You got tickets to them?" Sweet Pea says, smiling, "Thank you." He says and pulls me into a kiss and I chuckled.

"My turn." He says, and he hands me a small wrapped box with a little note on top of it. I looked at him and he smiled at me, I put the note down and opened up the gift. I opened it up and I gasped and couldn't help but smile. It was a silver double headed ring, and I smiled looking at him.

"Read the note." He says, and I smiled and opened up the note.

For my princess, I love you.

I look up at him, and he slips the ring on my middle finger. I pulled his face to mine and placed my lips on his, smiling into the kiss, he was the first to pull away.

"I love you too." I say, he smiled and pulls me closer to him placing another kiss on my lips.


EDITED: 06/03/2019

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