Thought No.33

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We have been in this position for months now. I know you realise that it's heartbreaking. But you don't realise that it is for me too. You have sacrificed so much for me and you don't know how much I owe you. I feel like you gave me everything you had; all your love, all your kindness, all your caring. You gave up what you loved most for me when I didn't even ask you anything and I so badly want to tell you that you don't deserve someone like me. You don't. You deserve someone else. Another girl. Someone who can make you happy all the time. You don't deserve a girl who causes you so much pain and trouble in your life.
And now all we're doing is fighting.
Oh darling, how I wish we would've never met. Yes that is cruel, but true. You'd be so much better off right now. You'd have the freedom to do everything you wanted to. You wouldn't be feeling imprisoned right now.
My heart is aching.
And what's worse? I can't bear the single thought of being separated from you. That thought alone is enough to send me through a whole episode of depression, sadness and loneliness again. I can't not be with you. I need you with me. I need you physically as much as mentally.
The effect you have on me, darling that's unfathomable. You are a part of me now. You'll always be a part of me.
You're the first person to whom I want to tell the good news to. You're the one who's constantly on my mind.
It's cruel and selfish of me, to keep you with me, to cause you so much pain, to not let you go. But please believe me when I say that I won't last long without you.

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