Hate, Love etc

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Alexa's P-O-V

Finally, we got someone who didn't want to come here for a mere time pass or mingle with one of the three CEO's of the company. Although, this girl Bayley has a playful thing within her, she, in no way, seemed irresponsible. But, her dress and all.. Ugh! That's something weird. Don't know how long will she take to get herself into those typical assistants with six layers of makeup and dozens of cosmetic surgery wrapped in the sluttiest piece of clothing. I mean, I've seen a lot happen in the Shield for two long years.

After 20 minutes of the board's discussion on the assignments of the new Assistant to the CEOs, we were finally about to leave, when our chairman Roman called my name. Roman is a gentleman per say. Though, he believes in walk over talk and barely gets destructed from his work for the sake of light communication. But, he is definitely a responsible guy. So is Dean. Even though he is a little playful with a cool dude attitude, he is responsible in his own way. If you ask Dean, he could work restless for two days for the sake of his friends. He is the person I get along the most among the trio. About their third friend, I don't want to think about him and loose my mood. He's a jerk filled with ego.

'Yes Roman!' I answered. Roman had a file in his hand, probably the same I submitted yesterday about the budget of our next show.

'You see, I've gone through the details..' he said still looking at the papers, '.. and I think you should make it official too but just show it to Luke one last time.' he said.

Luke was our leading fashion designer and was a really choosy person.

'Okay. I will. Has he left the office already?' I asked Roman.

'I guess no. He called me a minute ago.' he said, meaning I'd be going to fashion wing at the seventeenth floor to show the data to Luke.

'Okay. I'll go then' I said as he handed me the file.

'Okay. Thanks Alexa.' Roman said.

I took the elevator to the seventeenth floor.

Luke's office was vacant, meaning he was with the models. I walked to the dressing room of the models but something held my steps, a noise.

As my ear worked more, I could heat distinct moans from a girl. What's going on there? Curiously, I extended my steps towards the dressing room with opened doors.

'Oh yeah, baby...I love when you do that.' I heard a girl say in her ecstasy. And I guess I know that voice but what's wrong with her?

'Yes.. Yes..hhmmmnnnmm..' I heard more and by the time I was inside the room, I saw Seth sitting on the couch, his blazer on the floor and the buttons of his shirt undid with the leading model of the company, Summer straddling on his lap. Her red dress was placed way above her thighs, even revealing her panties. The straps of her dress were fallen aside as Seth's mouth danced on her neck.

Ugh! What a disgusting sight! I almost gritted my teeth on their desperateness.

Suddenly, Seth's eyes fell on mine and he slowly released his lips of Summer's skin.

'What the hell baby..why did you stop?' Summer asked in a moaning voice when her eyes fell on me.

'Alexa!' she jumped a bit off Seth.
'OMG! What are you doing here?' she asked quickly adjusting her clothes. As if she cared about such modesty!!??

'What the hell guys? You could have at least closed the door!' I said in an annoyed voice as Summer got off Seth's lap and sat next to him, adjusting her straps. I could say she was feeling conscious. Whereas Seth, he relaxed like every other time I caught him in such positions.

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