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Becky's P-O-V

The fresh morning glow hit my skin with its fresh vibes. I inhaled the intoxicating morning scent filling my nostrils.

I tried to turn aside but the weight of Dean's legs did not allow me to do the same. I smiled when I realized our legs were still entangled after last night.

I closed my eyes deciding to go for the    last few minutes nap. But then, a certain grunt made me turn my head.

'No... N.. No..' I heard faint sounds.

'Dean!' I muttered and turned to face him.

'Please doctor, her. She's all I got. Please. I.. I'll die without her..' he said.

Doctor?! Who's dying? Must be someone really close to him! Oh Dean! Are his memories from childhood churning his subconscious? Is he talking about his mom?

His eyes were still closed and it was only his lips that trembled as he said. Is he talking in his sleep? Is he having a bad dream.

'No.. No.. Please.' he shouted loudly now.

'Dean!' I nudged his shoulders.

'No..' he cried. 'Please don't leave me. I.. I lo...' he said as tears rolled down his eyes.

'Hey Dean! Dean wake up. You are just having a bad dream.' I said, shaking him a little.

Dean opened his eyes abruptly, looking surprised as he saw me. Suddenly, he sat up, breathing heavily and rubbed his hands wiping the sweat and tears off his face.

'Dean, you're okay?' I asked grabbing over his shoulders.

Dean looked at me, watching me carefully and unexpectedly crashed his lips on mine. It was perhaps, the most deep kiss of my life. I kissed him back.

He withdrew slowly after 7 seconds.

I gave him a look of confusion.

'S.. Sorry!' he said nonchalantly looking away from me. 'I.. I just had a bad dream.' he said.

'About whom?' I asked. 'Who was dying?' I asked.

Dean did not respond.

'I know you're still not over your childhood experiences and your mom's death. But Dean, what has happened has happened. Life is going to be so very beautiful now, trust me.' I said.

He looked at me and scoffed.

'Now, think of this whenever you had the nightmare of your mom dying again.' I said tilting my head on his shoulder.

'Mom's death!' Dean raised his eyebrows in surprise. I guess he didn't expect me of knowing it. But, then he normalized his expressions.

'Oh yeah, I remember.' he said. 'ehm.. Becky, I think I should be getting up now. I don't want to get late for office.' Dean said getting up.

An emptiness struck my heart. This is the time I really hate, when it's time for Dean to leave. But, I got no right on him to ask him to stay back with me. Plus, right, he's one of the CEOs of the country's biggest Fashion Company. He has to go to his work.

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