Fear of Losing

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Seth's P-O-V

A midnight cool shower, sleeping pills, ipods, counting of sheep nothing made my sleep easier at night these days. I lost everything that day. I hurt her!

Concentrating on my work was getting more difficult with days. Coincidentally, the cabin of the Finance Manager was just 20 feet exactly across my cabin and that was making it harder. Every time, I saw her entering or walking out of her cabin, I realize how hurt she still is  and that I was the worst person in the whole world.

Damn it! I slammed my fist on my desk.

I hurt her the worst way possible but I had no other option. If I didn't they would hurt her.

I leaned back on my chair reminiscing the memories a week ago.

5 days ago

'Who the hell you think you are to ask me for the designs for the upcoming feast?' I gritted my teeth at the audacity of Zahra.

Zahra smirked.

'Oh Sethie! Did your little blonde never tell you how hot you look when you're angry?' she said running a finger over my face.

I shoved her hand away and gave her a glare filled with disgust.

She chuckled. 'Drop it Seth and focus on the work. And right now, your work is to call a meeting with that Luke fellow and tell him that you wanna see his designs and once you do.. You'll bring them to me.' she said.

'You must be fucking kidding me Zahra! You want me to leak the designs of my own company to some sums like you. You are wrong.' I said clenching my jaw.

'You are a cheat, a traitor, a criminal..people like you deserve to be in the prison and trust me, I will make sure you have a long run in there.' I said.

If I didn't have that hidden fear inside me, I would have called the cops right away even before informing Dean and Roman.

Zahra's face fumed. 'You messed up Seth. This was the only time I was being nice with you.' she said showing her index finger to me. 'You have no idea who I am or who we are and what we can do to you.' she said.

I scoffed.

'Why? Are you and your guys try to kill me again like you did at Davenport? Why? Why does big Dave now needs to hide behind you Zahra? Is he so demotivated after missing that one shot to my chest?' I spat his name for the first time. I know this is risky to beat around a bush and spell a wild guess but Alexa said it and I believe in her....more than myself.

I would say Zahra didn't expect that coming. Her jaw almost hung and she looked..caught. She looked down pondering over.

I knew it. Alexa was right.

My teeth gritted.

I chuckled. 'Didn't saw that coming, did you?' I chuckled proudly. 'Yes. Dave is caught and right now, I'll make sure it isn't just me that catches him.' I said trying to get put of my cabin and spill everything out to my buddies.

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