Pizza Talk

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Both teams were gathered in the main room while Andrew and Cruz ran to get the pizza. The EYU was happily chatting as the BAU team sat and watched. "Who's the team leader?" Derek asked.

The kids all turned to look at each other. "Well technically I guess Cruz is the leader, but out of us Matt would be the leader," Libby replied.

"It doesn't really matter to us. We each have are own thing and then we bring all the parts together to accomplish our goal," Noah explained.

"How did you guys get started on the team?" Spencer questioned.

"Well all of us are hand picked. You can't exactly apply for the job. You have to do something that gets you noticed," Jackie told him.

"Erin recruited me two year ago after one of the Ambassador's functions," Libby said flinching slightly at the mention of her mother. "It was the biggest one of the year so everyone was there. I had to play the perfect daughter all night chatting with everyone. Higher ups are impressed when you use their native language. After the fifth or sixth language change Erin pulled me to the side and we set up a meeting."

"And to think I almost didn't attend that function," Erin mused mostly to herself.

"How many languages do you speak?" Penelope asked knowing that if she was anything like Emily it was a high number.

"Including English I speak ten languages," Libby replied like it was no big deal. "I'm also fluent in ASL and working on BSL."

The BAU looked surprised. "Wow, that's more than our Prentiss," Derek joked.

Libby just shrugged suddenly not liking all the attention. "Charlotte why don't you share your story?"

"I started hacking bigger organizations; ones that were suppose to be 'unhackable'," Charlotte admitted with a blush. "I was also taking college level math when I was 12, so..."

"I had won the national science fair six years in a row and was already working to graduate high school when Cruz found me a year ago," Mia told them enjoying the memories of how they became a team.

"I was competing in the national criminal justice competition when Andrew approached me about the unit," Clay spoke.

"Mine's kind of funny," Noah started, "In 10th grade my project on explosives was so detailed and well done that my teacher was concerned. After a very fun investigation I was let off the hook. Some how Cruz found out and offered me the job."

"Kate knew I was a good shot, so she told Cruz. Cruz decided to put me to the test and I passed," Matt spoke plainly.

"For one of my classes we had to take a test on how well we could read emotions and body language. I scored way beyond average," Jackie told them.

"What did you do?" Dave asked eyeing Jamie.

"Mine's not as impressive," Jamie replied.

Clay shook his head. "Dude you witnessed a break in, gave the cop sketches that led to the arrest, and then was able to reconstruct everything that went down."

"I'm still not convinced you don't have an eidetic memory like Charlotte," Libby adds.

Jamie hangs his head shyly. "I'm only good at remembering crime scenes. Anyone could do it if they tried."

"It's still hella impressive," Noah told him.

Elle turned to Romona. "Would you like to share?" Romona shook her head as she flipped through a magazine in her lap.  "Maybe another time," Elle added.

Soon enough the pizza arrived. Elle, Kate, and Emily jumped up to help hand it out. Kate and Elle both grabbed three plates right off the back. "Emmy don't even try," Libby warned with a glare.

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