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AN: So first thing first I'm so thankful for the support all of you have shown for this story, and I hope you continue to enjoy it. Second I am happy to announce there will be a prequel for this story that focuses on the first year of the EYU. I'm shooting for maybe middle of August or early September for publishing the first chapter.


Chapter Question: What would you like to see in the prequel?


Emily nodded letting them know the toddler in her arms was in fact Harper. She then called for Charlotte. Instead of Charlotte, Matt walked into the room. "I told Charlotte to take my room, and she barely made it in there before falling asleep," Matt informed Emily as he held his arms out for Harper.

The blonde toddler was unbothered by the exchange and snuggled into Matt's arms. "Do you want us to head out?" Emily asked glancing around at all the people currently invading Matt's living room.

Matt shook his head. "No you guys can stay and talk for a bit. The rest of us are having a sleepover anyway."

"Are the girls asleep yet?" Elle asked.

"No, Addy is trying to convince Jamie she can stay up later than him," Matt replied.

Kate and Elle both stood up. "We better go get them ready for bed," Kate announced.

Matt followed them upstairs. "Does this happen often?" Derek asked.

"Decently. Typically Libby, Charlotte, and Harper take Matt's room; the rest of the girls take the guest room; and the boys take Noah and Clay's room," Andrew explained.

"And we end up in here," Cruz added with a grimace.

Emily chuckled. "Your back still sore?"

"Of course it is. This floor is hard as concrete," Cruz replied.

"Did they make you sleep on the floor?" JJ asked.

"Not exactly. All three couches pullout so we double up, but someone," Cruz sent a pointed glare to Andrew, "literally kicked me off the last time we all crashed here."

"In my defense it was freezing, and he had all the covers," Andrew shot back.

"Stop being a baby, the floor is not that bad," Emily said. "I took the floor that time Jenny and Ziva were here."

Cruz huffed. "Yeah, it wasn't bad cause you had an air mattress."

"It wasn't supportive. It might as well have been the floor," Emily shot back.

Erin sighed. "Children please."

Both Emily and Cruz stopped to look at their boss. "Sorry Erin."

"Next time you two can share, and I'll take the air mattress," Erin offered. "That way we won't have a problem."

"That won't be necessary," Emily said sending Cruz a glare causing him to nod in agreement.

Dave was intrigued. "You attend these sleepovers too?"

"Of course," Erin replied like it was no big deal.

The BAU all just glanced at each other with various thoughts running through their minds. Who knew meeting another unit could be so eventful. "Our family just got so much crazier," Penelope voiced.

The new members and Emily all just smiled.

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