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AN: Sorry this is late, but this chapter took a darker turn then I had planned and I was debating on wether to keep it. In the end I chose to keep it. Also I'm sorry if the case is moving too fast. I'm bad at writing cases, so I'm only writing what I feel are important parts.


Warning (Please Read): Due to the darker theme that will be present in parts of this story you may need to skip some scenes. Scenes containing sensitive material will be inside this ::::::: indicator. I will also put a warning at the beginning of any chapter with these scenes.

This chapter: warning for a character having a flashback but does not contain details of abuse/torture.


Despite their impressive starting profile Derek was starting to loose a little faith in the EYU. Over the last two hours none of them had spoken a word as the BAU worked on the profile. Jamie and Jackie had disappeared to review crime scene photos in the surveillance room. Ro and Matt were sitting at their desk going over files for what Derek was sure was the 100th time. Mia and Libby were working with push pins as they created their map. Noah and Clay were working on the evidence board laying out everything they knew. Charlotte, Derek wasn't really sure what she was doing, was laying on one of the beanbags mumbling under her breath as she stared at the map.

"Washington, Oregon, California, Nevada, Missouri, Tennessee, Kentucky, Virginia..." Charlotte's expression was contorted into one of confusion. "One state a month, four months missing, three states between Nevada and Missouri. Twelve months, twelve years..."

The BAU watched her curiously. "What is she doing?" JJ finally asked Emily.

"She's analyzing," Emily replied. They watched with special interest as Charlotte brought her hands down in a forward motion in front of her face. While it puzzled the team Emily stood up. "Which one?"

Charlotte made an upward circling motion with her index fingers. Emily nodded and made her way over to Charlotte's desk. Emily dug around in the bottom file drawer before producing several wooden blocks. Charlotte barely acknowledged Emily handing them to her other than to immediately make work of putting them together.

"Is that your star puzzle?" Spencer asked as Emily rejoined them.

"I had to buy another one for Charlotte," Emily replied simply.

Spencer was surprised that as he turned back to Charlotte the star puzzle was completely put together in front of her. Charlotte tilted her head to the side, "Stars!" she shouted before jumping up. "June; Salt Lake City, Utah; twin boys. July; Denver, Colorado; girl. August; Topeka, Kansas; boy. December; boy."

Those who knew Charlotte all grinned as the BAU looked confused. "What?" Derek asked.

"Our missing victims. I think our unsub is collecting Zodiacs. That's why he takes one each month. All of our victims' birthdays fall in the next Zodiac. Based on this theory he probably kidnapped twins in June. And he keeps alternating gender, so it only seems fitting he would keep this pattern. Maybe there's evidence in the other cases. Now we can find them quicker now that we've narrowed it down," Charlotte rambled.

Derek turned to Spencer with a smirk. "I'd look out pretty boy; she could put us all out of a job."

Spencer brushed him off. "I would have gotten there eventually."

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