03/17/18 - aRt

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I HATE art, so freaking much ifs not even funny.

I guess it's because I'm usually really trash at it.

We had to draw a superhero or someone we considered to be a superhero. I chose Captain America because he's awesome, and also because the teacher printed out dozens of pics of him. I was too lazy to print out my own picture.

we used grid. basically, we had to draw a grid and then do the same thing on a regular price of paper. Then we focus on each box one at a time.

It's not THAT amazing, but for someone who isn't good in art im kinda proud of it?

I really want an A on this I tried my best.

Also happy late St

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Also happy late St.Patricks to all my Irish folk out there. I hope you guys had a great day.

Rant Here:

Today, I was supposed to hang out with my old friends. I'm disappointed, because my dad had work and he wasn't able to take me. I asked him if he had work, and he told me he was free on Saturday.

I had to cancel on my friends last minute. Which was pretty sucky. They were disappointed but understood. I felt so frustrated. It's not fair. I waited for months to see them. Six fucking months. I sat alone for 5 whole months at lunch. It wasn't until the middle of February I started to find people to talk to. I'm not that close with them though. I can't act like myself around them yet.

I wanted to see them so bad. I remember when I had dreams about seeing them. I imagined the things I was gonna say to them. The things we were going to do. I daydreamed in class thinking about the fun we were gonna have.

I know it isn't my dads fault, but I feel so sad and angry. I also feel guilty for feeling sad. My dad at the end of the day is paying for our bills and food. I should be grateful.

But he's always about working. i don't always want money, I want his time and attention. He never really cared about what I had to say.

I feel so conflicted. I wish I had a drivers license. I could've went there myself. I'm too young though. I gotta wait until I'm 16.

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