I have some fanfic ideas! Be sure to check out my bnha and knb fanfic that will be coming out soon in April along with a bakehyun au. I'll be finishing my other fanfics soon <3
*me realizing its now almost April. I barely updated and also went on a hiatus for a whole month*
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(gotta love shane though and his pig shirt)
It's been one hell of a month. I'm sorry I haven't updated. I don't really have excuses. I'm just a lazy ass person who's been in crippling self doubt and procrastinates on a regular basis
What's self-confidence? Can I eat that?
For real though, I've doubting my writing so freaking much? Its been pretty awful honestly. Whenever I see these authors where English isn't their first language, yet they're book is so freaking amazing and beautiful. I just feel stupid? Especially since I grew up in a country where everyone for the most part speaks English (French too I guess in some places).
I have a few friends or mutuals here who are my age, who are from other other countries where people's first language isn't English. Yet their writing is so descriptive and beautiful?
I don't know how to really improve and become more poetic and descriptive. I'm surprised I have so many followers. I always thought my writing was good. My English teachers always told me it was. I always get 80's and 90's in writing. I'm surprised someone like me even had followers, there are plenty of other people who's writing is better than mine and deserve more followers.
Speaking of followers, I'm almost at 900! That's pretty crazy, that means 100 more till 1K. I'm actually really excited. I kinda wanna do something special for when I hit 900? I'm not sure yet actually. Maybe an icon giveaway + Q.A?
I watched the first episode of voltron on Netflix today. i love keith because he's SO hot. Shiro is also really cute. Lance is hilarious and Huck is relatable. I recommend you to watch it if you haven't. It's pretty good so far.
I've also been really sick these past couple of days. I was dying in my sleep last night. I had some dark thoughts and ended up crying in my bed at like 12am. I went hysterical.
Of course, my parents made me go to school. We're doing wrestling (i hate it) and we're practicing moves. Being flipped a bunch of times and being sick isn't a very good combination.
I'm actually pretty good though. I guess it's because of my aggressive nature. I can get pissed easily but I'm also very kind and feel bad hurting someone. I have a very contradicting personality.
I'm loud but shy. I'm someone who has aspirations and dreams, but also very lazy. I'm someone who's aggressive and cold, but also wants love and someone to love (as a friend). I come off as this smart, strong, confident person who like to help people but in reality I'm this insecure 14 gets old who has trust issues and can't open up to people about my problems. Because of this I rant to people like you on the internet because I'm hiding behind a screen and people won't see my face.
I'm a very confusing person as you can tell. I'll try to update soon. Please bear with me.
That's all I had to say. Also, I love you. If you wanna talk, my dm's are open.