Ch. 6 Rewrite

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The going was slow, but one by one we followed the strange man, up a barely there trail. If it wasn't for me knowing how to track and shit, I wouldn't of even known it was there, none of us would have. 

We have been following the guy for the past three hours, the sun was beginning to set. 

Where the FUCK was he taking us. 

As far as I know there is no other settlement on this mountain, other then the my uncles old cabin, which we just left behind.

This whole time we've been following him he hasn't made a single sound. 

Hell if he wasn't in front of me I wouldn't have known he was even there. 

Now don't get me wrong, but I expected some type of noise out of him, he was carrying a big ass buck these last few hours. 

"Hay, where are you taking us?" Yelled Rick. 

The guy just turned slightly and nodded his head up the trail, before turning back around and continuing forward. 

By now the moon is high in the sky, its eerie glow lights the was. 

I was thinking this was some kind of wild goose chase and ready to call it quits. When we emerged from the brush to behold a sight that still astounds those who enjoys the wonders of nature. 

There in front of us about a 150 yards away was a grand waterfall. 

The moons glow turning the water to pure silver. 

The misting spray made all the plants look like they were covered in small glittering diamonds. 

This had to be the most purest sight I have ever beheld. 

There was no trash, no signs of people fucking up natures beauties. 

This was mother nature finest, and greatest creation. 

Hell there wasn't even any signs of walkers around. 

While we were all admiring the view, the guy was still walking, he was out of sight, damn I lost him.

Teaches me to day dream. 

Just as we were all gonna give up and find camp for the night, we spotted him walking behind the water fall. 

Where the fuck was he leading us?

One by one we cut across the brush, to where we had last seen our mystery man. 

Looking at Rick, he nodded for us to continue to follow him behind the falls. 

We were ready for just about anything but what we found was just not one of them.

You would think all we saw was a cave, yeah we did see a cave. But that's not all.

It looked small but you could see light further into the cave. But nothing else, it was like this part wasn't lived in or really used.

When we first stepped inside, we saw nothing, but the glow of a fire further back. But as we took a few more steps a low menacing growl was herd. 

Looking closely I spotted a wolf, she was beautiful, grey and white. If it was standing next to me its head would be above my waist.

With my crossbow raised, I prepared to shoot. I have no damn clue how that guy got past the beast, but I'm gonna make sure it doesn't attack.

But just as I was easing my finger on to the trigger, a sharp ear piercing whistle rang through out the cavern, and just like that the growling stopped, the wolf turned and ran further into the unknown parts of the cave.

We took that as our que to follow.

Single file we caustically walked further into the cave, prepared for anything. 

But once we reach the once dim fire light, we all lowered our weapons, and looked on in awe. 

The once small and narrow cave opened up into a large cavern.  The ceiling was a good ten to fifteen feet off the ground. The whole room was as large as the cell block was. 

So its fucking huge.

Scattered around the room was small piles of what looks like furs, surrounding a fairly large fire pit, that's was being used for cooking. 

On the walls were torches, giving off light. 

There were five young boys ranging anywhere from four to six years old, playing with some wolf pups with the female laying in front of them trying to block our view.

But when I looked around I did not see the strange man that led us here. He was no where to be seen.

Where the Fuck did that guy go. There is no way in hell, he just up and disappeared on us.

Just when I was about to question the boys, I saw a slight movement out of the corner of my eye.

Turning, I saw the guy come out of a covered room. That's what its got to be, cause he no longer had the buck with him, I wonder how big this place is. 

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