00 | the maze

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t h e m a z e

    When she awoke she was blinded by a bright light and shivered

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When she awoke she was blinded by a bright light and shivered. She lifted her hand to cover her face from the bright sunlight squinting her eyes. Why am I outside? She wondered to herself she looked around, she was sitting on grass and was surrounded by people -- all boys.

"Florence." The girl said out loud, the word had stuck to her mind the moment she opened her eyes. "My name is Florence." That's all she seemed to know, Florence tried and tried but the harder she tried she couldn't think of anything else that had to do with her.

Florence wasn't the only one that seemed confused, the boys were walking around asking each other what had happened. It was a stupid question seeming as nobody knew what was happening, and some were being rude. Florence was afraid and she wondered if anyone was as afraid as she was. Florence wasn't sure when it had happened but she found herself crying on the ground.

"Are you alright?" That was a stupid question of course she wasn't alright. Florence looked up to see a boy around her age, tall skinny, blond. He also seemed to have an accent-- British? Florence didn't know how she could think of that. "Sorry, of course you aren't." The boy said. "I'm Newt, if you'd like I can sit with you while we figure this out?"

Florence nodded her head rubbing the back of her hands across her face to whip the tears. "I'm Florence." She said.

"It'll be alright Florence, we'll figure things out." Newt said trying to comfort the crying girl. It was strange to the boy to see just one girl in such a big group of boys. "Do you remember anything about yourself?"

Florence shook her head and started crying even more, why couldn't she remember anything? Newt froze, now he felt terrible. "I'm sorry. I- I don't remember anything either." Florence felt terrible, a crying mess, putting her problems on another boy who could be looking around instead he was here with her-- the mess.

"Hey." It was the voice of a girl, Florence looked up at the girl with a look of surprise. "Are we the only girls here?"

"Looks like it." Newt had answered for Florence, she was thankful she was sure she wouldn't be able to say anything through her crying mess. "I'm Newt, this is Florence, you are?"

"Amelia." The curly haired girl answered.

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