01 | the beginning

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t h e   b e g i n n i n g

 The loudest bang Florence had ever heard, that she could remember, woke her

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 The loudest bang Florence had ever heard, that she could remember, woke her. Newt had been sleeping at her feet and Amelia had been sleeping right beside her. Florence looked around, "What is that?" she asked.

"One of the walls is opening," Amelia answered. Florence and Newt stood up quickly, hope had filled the girl's heart.

"Are we getting out?" Florence asked, a smile almost appearing on her face, but she knew she couldn't get her hopes up. Surely whoever had put them in there would not just let them out the very next day. Amelia and Newt both shrugged.

All the boys and the two girls gathered around the door, Florence felt scared and she wished she knew what was happening. Who was she, why was she here, why was the only one of two girls in this big group of boys? Florence looked over at Amelia who was watching the door in confusion, she had realized that some boys were crying. Slowly everyone began to walk through the wall that had opened into a door and looked around. "It looks like a maze!" A boy cried out. "I say we go back to the entrance before someone gets lost, those doors can close at any time."

Everyone nodded, Florence didn't wait anytime to get out of there afraid of what may be beyond the doors. If it was an exit, it surely wouldn't come without obstacles, that much was obvious with the fact that the place was a maze.


The day hadn't been so long before everyone began to get hungry and wonder if there was any food. "Everybody gather around!" Florence turned to look at the light-skinned boy with blond hair, he looked to have more ideas of what to do than anybody else in the place. "I stayed up last night a little late looking through a crate that appeared with us." The boy said looking around at everybody that sat in a circle around him. His eyes finally landed on Amelia and Florence, his eyes growing as if he had finally noticed the two only girls trapped within the four walls out of the many boys there.

Everybody turned to look in the direction the boy was looking, and a lot of the boys finally seemed to notice the two girls. Everybody began to talk at once, almost everybody. There were some boys who weren't saying anything and who didn't seem to care at all about the girls. Florence was thankful for them; they were all in the same situation and she didn't want to be put on the spot just for being a girl. That didn't seem to be the case for other boys though. Some boys were asking why there were only two girls in the group, others believed they were there to take care of them in a way a mother would, and others believed they had to repopulate the earth.

This made Florence nervous and she reached out holding Amelia's hand. "Shut up!" It was Newt who had yelled that out along with the boy in the center of the circle.

"These girls are here like the rest of us." The unknown boy said. "They will be treated equal and anyone who hurts these girls will pay the consequences."

"And will answer to me," Newt said sending a glare at all the boys

"Now, I don't know why there are only two girls here with us, but whoever put us in here had their reasons which is something we won't know until we find a way out of this place. "My name is George, and I think that if we all stick together and work together, we will find that way out."

"We need to figure out a way to survive," George said. "Guys." Florence turned in the direction he was waving to see two boys step into the circle they were each holding a box. "Does anybody here know how to cook?" George asked as the boys put the boxes down. Most of the boys turned to look at both the girls.

"Just because we're girls doesn't mean we know how to cook," Amelia said crossing her arms.

A boy stepped forward raising his arm. "I think I do." He said and everybody turned to look at him. "The names Siggy."

"Nick, why don't you show Siggy here to the Kitchen we found, take this box with you," George said. Nick nodded his head and lead the boy away everyone was glad that they would soon begin to eat.

"In this box, that Alby here is holding, are a couple of things that I'm sure whoever put us here gave us for survival," George said and Alby, the dark boy standing beside George opened the box. "There are supplies here for building, cleaning, and over there in that area—" Everybody turned in the direction he was pointing. "We figure it's for planting the seeds that also arrived in this box."

"We'll each be assigned jobs," Alby said. "Everyone won't have jobs yet but hang tight while we figure everything out."

"And why should you guys tell us what to do?" Another boy said.

"I don't see anybody else here taking the time to figure things out like they have," Florence said surprising herself and the two new friends she had made thus far. "They seem to have ideas and I'm here for them, I'm sure more than half of you guys are here for them as well."

Boys nodded their heads in agreement. "Great!" George said. "Alby and I will be interviewing as many as we can until Siggy is done with breakfast. We'll try to get each of you jobs. While we figure out how to get out of this hole, we will also have to figure out how to survive in it."

"Split into groups of two please," Alby said. "We'll make a line and start the interviews."

Everybody did as they were told, Florence took a spot beside Newt and Amelia already knowing that these two would be her best friends in this place. "Florence, switch spots with me," Amelia asked, Florence turned around to see why the girl would want to switch places with her when she saw the Asian boy that Amelia had said was rude to her their first day here.

"Sure," Florence said letting Amelia take space in front of her but behind Newt.

"Thanks," Amelia said turning to look at Florence and then the boy. Florence could feel the tension, these two hated each other.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2022 ⏰

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