______________________________Everyone in the background knew of him. Some have met him and lives through the encounter. A few work with him. Only ones he deems worthy have seen his true form.
He has gone through many names. Fake identities to code names. Of course none anywhere near his actual name. 'Good.' Was his only thought on that subject.
It wouldn't do him any good if someone knew what his real name was. It would just make his job harder.
'Keep to the shadows, and DO NOT give out your trust easily.' Those were one of the first rules he grew up with being born into this world.
A world, where trust does not exist.
Where it's kill or be killed.
Where Red is the only colour he sees.A wisp of blue hair was all that his victims saw. A lung crushing bloodlust which made them freeze, was what they felt. It would be days weeks even before anyone notices that they were no longer in the land of the living.
He was known as The Shadow Snake.
That's what his bloodlust feels like.
He's a prodigy a natural that leaves countless of corpses in his wake.An assassin, whos younger than most yet known by all. He is no older than an average third year middle school student.
Yet he has killed hundreds in one day.
He's on par or even better than the past and current 'God Of Death'An assassin whose real name is Shiota Nagisa.
Said assassin who is currently shouting at one of his Mentors/father's main scientist.
"I can assure you this isn't negotiable. Your Father has an assignment for you and you must attend that school to do it." The tall black haired scientist said calmly as he laid down the assignment.
"WHY DO I HAVE TO GO TO SCHOOL TO DO IT. I'M MORE THAN CAPABLE TO DO THE KILL WITHOUT HAVING TO GO TO A SCHOOL" The petite continued seething he completely hated schools.
It reminded him of the assassination he did on a man who'd been raping female students and female co-workers. He'd been doing it for years and had been black mailing all the girls saying he'd kill their families if they talked.
"Would you calm down. I know very well why you're upset but what type of an assassin would let out so much emotion." Emphasizing the word in a mocking tone. A basic teaching, assassin's always had their emotions in check.
With a huff the bluenett sat down on the steel chair. The snakes that continued to coil around his body hissed in his ears. Giving him their serpintine comfort.
Having calmed by their presence he looked around the room.
Honestly the room looked like a police interrogation room.
Steel table chained to the floor. A couple of uncomfortable steel chairs which he's now sitting on.
A Large two way mirror behind him.He never really liked looking at his reflection so he always sat with his back to it.
He wasn't ashamed of his snakes. Oh no. They were his only family. They'd protected him. Made him stronger. Made him the infamous assassin he was today.
In exchange for the courage he gained, he would take care of them, like a mother would for her children. The feeling was mutual.
Releasing a sigh he looked towards the file and picked it up.
"Your target is another failed experiment. His speed reaches Mach 20. He has multi tasking tentacles.
His regenerative capabilities are fast but can hinder his speed by 8%.
His emotions are shown by his skin colour changing. His normal colour is yellow.You have until March before he will self implode destroying the earth."
He said while having an emotionless exspression and voice.'Master Shiro really can't be fun unless he's in his lab.' Nagisa mussed.
Having calmed down during the brief he calculated the situation.
One: He was up against a yellow octopus that's speed is beyond even him.
Two: Looking at the file there are many kids probably inexperienced in fighting.
Three: If the school is the one he thinks it is, then his feelings are indifferent.Weighing up his options he silently agreed to his new assignment.
"Is this school by chance Kunugigaoka? " Nagisa asked
Raising an eye brow he replied "Yes it is. Your point"
Nagisa's eyes twitched."And I'm guessing it's a major coincidence that this is the same place that Master Asano works. Is it not?" He asked in false innocence slight bloodlust emerging.
"Yes it is" He said straight unaffected by Nagisa's bloodlust.
Nagisa sighed in defeat.
"I assume I will be under his care for the remainder of my time there?"
"Yes he will also be in charge of your training since I'm unable to do it" he said smirking at the end.
I Involuntary shuddered 'of course that Sadistic Bastard would be training me while I was in his care.'
"What about subject #85971 will he be okay while I'm gone.?" I asked sincerely concerned for the boy.
He'd only listen to nagisa. Some thing the subject liked about the bluenett to allow him to fully trust nagisa. He was the one to give him his injections. Calmed him down afterwards. Taught him how to survive. He was like a brother to him.
"Oh he will be fine. He will eventually join you in your mission. Once he is ready"
"Are we done here" he stood up leaving without waiting for a reply. As he was about to reach the door I spoke.
"Master Shiro'' he sighed.
I steadied my heart
"Is my target Subject X."
I looked down at my lap. Hands clasped so tight my knuckles turned white."Yes" and he was gone.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Can I really do this?
Kill Subject X.
I still am unable to say his name.
Shaking my head I thought about other matters.The one and only Shiota Nagisa whose whole life has only known blood has to go to school and graduate?
Plus live and train with Master Asano once again.
A shiver ran down my spine.That man and his assassination techniques are buried in my soul. His training methods were draining but effective. Having been taught a multitude of techniques whist growing up, Master Asanos was the most manipulative.
I don't particularly like the techniques I'd master from him but they worked and had helped me in times of need.Lovro better remember to wire some money to my account. After this I'm going on a long holiday. Somewhere with a great beach. Maybe I can gain permission to take #85971 with me. Hopefully I can end it before he joins the mission so he doesn't have to meet Master Asano yet. Maybe in a couple of years. Not now.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Little did Nagisa know that the walls that he had slowly built around himself were slowly going to be torn down with the help of a red head and an octopus.
An octopus that is capable of traveling at a speed of Mach 20 and also likes looking at magazines that should never be shown to kids. And his target.
A red head who has a gift for violence and has a brilliant mind which is mainly used for pranks.
Yes, it was going to be an eventful year at Kunugigaoka.
_____________________________Paxx-Chan is very surprised if you read this. Congrats.
Don't wait up for the next though.Ta-ta

Shadow Snake Hiatus
FanfictionAssassin AU CURRENTLY BEING RE-WRITTEN. Chapters will have updated for the ones already edited. What if the innocent little blueberry was actually an infamous snake. What would happen if he pretended to be the 'she' everyone saw at first sight. How...