Here enters Nagisa-Chan.
Everyone thinks he's cute.
To make his 'not assassin' cover better he acts like a shy girl.______________________________
Class 3E
The END Class
Currently students in said class are wondering about the email that Karasuma-sensei, had sent them last night.
Tired of guessing, the gossip group's self-appointed representative asked the one of the two students who holds some information.
" Oi, Isogai-kun!"
"Yes, Nakamura-san?" He replied ever so Ikemen of him. The class rep tilted his head in acknowledgement towards the lazy blonde haired female genius of the class that was skipping towards him.
"Is it true? That we are going to get a new student today?"
" Yes it is, and before you ask, it's a female and she is transferring due to some family problems apparently." he promptly responded. By this time, majority of the class had gathered around the table to listen.
Okajima slapped a hand on Isogais shoulder to get his attention.
"What does she lo-" Okajima was cut off by a yellow tentacle tapping him on the shoulder. A yellow coloured tentacle that could only belong to one being on the school grounds.The-Equally-Perverted-Koro-Sensei.
"The bell has gone, so everyone please take your seats. Before we begin attendance, we have a new student as you all know. You can come in now!"
Craning their necks to get the first glance, unsuccessfully, everyone opted to just sit properly and not freak out the new student.
Long blue hair that was tied in twin pig tails which hung around her sholders, a petite frame and curves that could kill. Her school skirt hung above get knees showing off her slim flawless legs. She was wearing a blue vest over a long white button down shirt.
(#//: look up at that pic.:\\#)
"What the heck?! Hey Okajima get up!" Okano pushed him off of her and he fell to the floor with a 'thump'. She cautiously nudged him with her foot. A few female students looked tsking seeing as he had fainted from a nose bleed.
Everyone continued to stare at the new girl, girls and boys with blushes. Some boys with a small amount of blood coming from their noses.
The new girl fidgeted at all the attention she had gathered with a faint pink dusting her cheeks from embarrassment.
"Um, c-classmate-san, i-is he going to be okay? I'm sorry for making him p-pass out. I'm still not sure what I did." She was soft spoken. Her voice sweet like honey, even if she stuttered. She played with a strand of hair. Probably a nervous habit of hers.They continued to stare at her.
A sharp noise resounded and everyone turned towards their slightly pink teacher.
"Okay class, Terasaka-kun and Yoshida-kun would you please take Okajima-kun to the infirmary. Everyone else back to your seats so Shiota-San can introduce herself."
Earning a grunt from Terasaka and Yoshida they slung his arms around their necks and dragged Okajima to the small infirmary in the building.
"Anyway, please introduce yourself to the class." Koro-sensei said while writing down Nagisa's name on the blackboard.
"Un. M-My name is Shiota N-Nagisa, and yes my hair colour is natural and not f-fake. I transferred here due to my n-new g-guardian living in this area " Nagisa said while having her usual (fake-not-dangerous) soft smile on her face.
No one commented on the 'new guardian' thing but by the way she said it. Most guessed she moves a lot. Maybe an orphan?
They weren't so far from the truth but the reason was no where in sight.
"Shiota-San, please take the spare seat by the window next to Karma-kun."
"U-Um sensei do you mind calling me by my first name? It's just. . I-it would be confusing if I had to ch-change my last name again. Then everyone would have to call me something d-different. O-only if that's okay."
She looked down playing with her hair again continuing to give that shy scared vibe."Of course Nagisa-san. Karma-kun raise your hand so Nagisa-san knows where to sit."
The red head waved her over.
"Off you go" He gave her a pat on the back.
"Hai sensei."She walked to the desk next to Karma-kun and sat down slinging her bag on the chair.
Once she sat down, Karma turned towards her with his hand extended.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Akabane Karma, your desk neighbour. I'll give you the run down of this place to you during break-time. I've got a gut feeling that you're going to make things interesting Nagisa-chan." Showing his familiar knowing smirk. One which radiated confidence.
"Its a pleasure to meet you Akabane-kun. I'm Nagisa and I would appreciate it if you did." She extended her hand to meet his.
"Cut the formalities I don't suit it." He said whilst shaking hand.
"Okay Karma-kun." Nagisa said taking back her hand.
Once everything settled down and Terasaka and Yoshida returned, they began class.
Nagisa looked around the room with a calculating gaze.
'What do I have to work with'"A loudmouth, though he and his mates would do well in a heavy close quarters combat." Eyes flittered over Terasaka and his gang who sat at the back of the classroom.
"A gymnast by the look of her build" Looking over Okano
"a couple of snipers. " Eyes gazing with approval in his eyes when he saw the serious and quiet pair, Chiba and Hayami.
"And finally, we have the fighter." He looked to his right at his class mate.
Akabane Karma
His aura alone was like a bonfire compared to the candle sized flames, and some somewhat larger ones, of his classmates.
"This, this is something that I did not expect to see in an ordinary middle school. I wonder if he is any good in combat. His aura tells me so but I'll need to see it personally."
Karma looked up feeling the 'being-looked-at' sensation A pair of golden mischievous eyes locked with a pair of cerulean blue.A familiar confident smirk appeared on his face. He flirtingly winked at the bluenett.
Nagisa turned away, blushing at being caught, breaking the gaze that was being shared between them.
That split second moment, for the both of them, allowed them to create something between them that they did not have with any other.
She could feel karmas smirk widen at her response.Nagisa mentally cheered for himself. His acting was on point. Plus he hadnt faked a blush in awhile. Its good he still knew how to do it. He had effectively infiltrated the class with everyone thinking he was a shy-mouse. He internally smirked. 'Oh how wrong they are'
Having opened her textbook, sky blue eyes turned to look out of the window.
Yes, it was going to be an interesting year indeed.
How was that?
1: Nagisa will act like he did in the Manga and anime albeit a little more shy.
2: Nagisa already knows Karasuma-sensei and irina-sensei, are part of the government.
3: They don't know he's an assassin.
4: Everyone thinks Nagisa is a girl. He's really just a trap.I hope you like.

Shadow Snake Hiatus
FanfictionAssassin AU CURRENTLY BEING RE-WRITTEN. Chapters will have updated for the ones already edited. What if the innocent little blueberry was actually an infamous snake. What would happen if he pretended to be the 'she' everyone saw at first sight. How...