WeekendNagisa pov
'How did I get into this situation?' I was currently laying in bed with the one and only Akabane Karma. I'm fully clothed you perverted readers!
Akabane has his arms around my waist so I am practically hugging his chest.'The Trio are going to kill me once they find out' I wriggled around trying to get released. Karma only groaned and pulled me impossibly closer to him. Sighing for the millionth time I relaxed in the embrace leaning my head against his chest thinking about how I got here.
Flashback Earlier Today
Nagisa pov
I was walking to the grocery store. Every Saturday I go shopping to buy all of our nessesities and extra's for the house. Half way there I felt a familiar presense which automatically reminded me of the conversation I had with Tsuki recently.
'He's always the first presense you find.' Shaking my head I continued walking.
Its just a coincedent that I found him. Nothing else. It's not denial readers it's not!
>//////<Before I could yell at the readers of my story a group of thugs entered my senses. They had dark smug vibes that suddenly locked onto me.
'I knew I should have warn normal clothes!' I sighed when an Idea popped up.The group was right infront of me now. At least 5 college students probably delinquents seeing how scruffy they are.
The leader I persume was 6ft give or take a few inches. He had spiked brown hair with grey streaks on the side. His eyes were chocolate brown like a bears. Probably a same brain size as well.
He was wearing black ripped jeans and plain black shirt with chains on the shoulders.He walked up to me and grabbed my right arm. "Hey darlin~ What's a pretty lil' thang like you doin' out 'ere" his speech was bearly understandable but his look and strong grip suggests I'm not going anywhere.
"W-well I-I am on my way to the grocerie store. P-please let go of me" I said in a squeaky high voice like I was on the verge of panic.
"Come now how about we go have some fun" one of the lackies came up to my left and grabbed my arm.
"I-I d-don't want to. Please let me go." I began struggling weakly like the girl I look like. The guys just laughed at me and pulled me into a dark alley I stopped right infront of."Now now. We're going to just play for awhile; no need to struggle." The leader said darkly and the pushed me up against the wall.
"Stop! Let me go! Someone! Help me-!" I yelled before the leader began strangling me. My legs began flailing around in the air.
I mentally checked and Karma should be arriving in 5 seconds. Another guy begins to run his hand up my leg when one of the lackies gets sent down unconcious.Karma pov
I just got out of the store when I hear.
"no need to struggle" then
"Stop! Let me go! Someone! Help me-!" Now I may enjoy violence but I won't let people take advantage of girls.Without a second thought I run to the alley way to find a group of College students surrounding a familiar bluenette. I run to the closest thug and clock him in the jaw. He goes flying and is unconcious straight away.
Paxx-chan pov
Karma beats up all the delinquents in no time flat. Once it's over he brushes specs of blood off of his knuckles. Sniff sniff Karma walks towards Nagisa slowly, hands up to show he means no harm. Karma crouched down so he was eye level with Nagisa.

Shadow Snake Hiatus
FanfictionAssassin AU CURRENTLY BEING RE-WRITTEN. Chapters will have updated for the ones already edited. What if the innocent little blueberry was actually an infamous snake. What would happen if he pretended to be the 'she' everyone saw at first sight. How...