Chapter 4 New Family

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I will write nagisa as a guy cause I made him a cross dresser


Nagisa's Lunch Break

Paxx-Chan pov:

Nagisa briskly walked towards the forest.
'Meeting some new family' .

Nagisa continued walking until he stopped at a small clearing. Luscious green grass with small blue flowers everywhere. A small breeze passed by bringing the smell of summer.

 A small breeze passed by bringing the smell of summer

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Nagisa sat on his knees in the middle of the clearing. He allowed his 3 brothers/snakes out of their confines.

😅(Idk how that works. It just does deal with it)😅

They slithered from inside of his uniform and formed a circle around him on the grass. Their bodies were up and heads tilted down as if bowing. Then they turned towards the forest and began to hiss.

'We shall begin the ritual'
Nagisa closed his eyes and tapped on the ground lightly.
He hummed his own tune. After gaining confidence he opened his mouth and sang.

His tune blended in with the call of nature. The wind and trees danced to her song. The song thought to be long forgotten.

His snakes swayed in time and hissed to add effects. After a couple of minutes snakes from all over the mountain came and countered his song with their own.

Rings of snakes were hissing and swaying as if hypnotized by the rhythm they created.

Nagisa Slowly began concluding the song as he opened his eyes

Nagisa pov:

It felt great to release my brothers again. Didn't anyone know if you leave a snake forcibly unmoving they get agitated easily.

They are already annoyed I have to go to a place teaming with humans. They are very protective of me.
Making sure I have atleast three of them with me when meeting another human. Even then physical contact has to be kept to a minimum or none what so ever.

When Irina-sensei or Bitch-sensei hugged me and when karma-kun grabbed me. It took all of my inner strength to keep my brothers from lashing out and killing them right on the spot. My brothers really need to learn some self restraint.

'The time has come' usually I would do this when I was asured no one was here but I would like to do it now so no one in class will be in danger if they see a snake.

'We shall begin the ritual.'
I closed my eyes and slowly began tapping the ground in a familiar rhythm. My brothers bowed once and began singing their tune.

I also began my greeting song starting with a soft low hum. Once I found the correct frequency so the snakes could hear. I found the tune of the wind and trees and began singing to them.
This song was a greeting as much as a summoning.

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