A great person

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~Jesy's POV~

After all that happend yesterday i wasn't exactly happy to go back to school.Well i was happy to meet Jade again but those other people..not so much.I hate bullying just so much,i can't stand it.And i really don't get why they are bullying her,she's such a nice girl altough i only know her for a day,i got a feeling we could be best friends.I really care for her.

I took a deep breath and slowly opened the heavy door to the school building,expecting to see the same scenario as yesterday,because of the bruises on Jade's body i guess this wasn't her first time that she got beaten up.But in the hall was nothing extraordinary,everyone was just packing stuff for their first period,no beating,no screaming,no Jade.Maybe she is already in our first class which is Maths,so i should probably also hurry up.But in the classroom was also no Jade,the place beside me was empty. Maybe she's running late or something.

After 10 minutes Jade still didn't show up and after class she still wasn't anywhere to find.So maybe she's ill who knows.At the front i saw a boy who's name i believe is Jake,talking with our teacher and from what i heard its about Jade.I could only hear some wordpieces though.

,,Jade..resting..A week.." I wonder from where he knows this stuff,without sounding mean but i didn't exactly think Jade has that many friends here,just from the way she acts.Maybe i will ask him but now i should hurry to my next lesson which is science and i anyway have without Jade.

In the room i noticed a certain boy.Looks like i don't have science with Jade but with the boy from before.I decided to just ask him about her since we anyway have 10 minutes till he lesson will start.

,,Hey i'm Jesy" I said shyly,what i normally never am.

,,Hey Jesy,i am Jake.What can i do for you?"He said with a huge grin,very sympathetic.

,,Uhm I'm sorry for eavesdropping but i'm Jade's neighbour and i heard you talking to Ms.Wilde before about her and i was just wondering if you know where she is?" The boy just laught for what felt like 1 hour.

,,No need to be sorry.Jade's sick,she has a concussion,so she needs to rest for at least a week."

,,Oh my god thats horrible.Do you know how it happend?"

,,Well she has this huge cute on her forehead from walking against a locker" Walking against a locker?So thats what she calls getting beat.But wait why does he know all this stuff?

,,Oh.But why do you know this?Are you her boyfriend or something?" The boy just laught again.I must admit his laugh was kinda infectious and he was pretty handsome.

,,More like something,she's my sister.Jade and I are twins.Jade,Jake,get it?" Oh my god,facepalm! They look so much alike,how could i not noticed?!Both have this caramel brown hair and those puppy brown eyes.

,,Oh i'm sorry.Well anyway wish Jade the best!"

,,I surely will,Jessica" He said cheekily and walked to his place.

~At Jade's home~Jade's POV~

It was half past 12 and i just woke up,well i already woke up a million times before but my head hurted so bad that i decided to sleep again.The one time i decided to stand up my head spun like crazy and i almost threw up.I'm really glad i don't have to go to school for a week but here it is just so boring,i mean everyone is away and mum forbid me to use any electronics or to stand up except i need to use the toilet,of course.So the only things i could basically do are sleeping and thinking and i don't want to think.The toughts are always so saddening.I mean i'm not as pretty as any of my sisters,i'm not as bubbly,funny as them,i'm not as intelligent as my oldest sister Liz who graduated with an 1,0 and i don't light up a room if i enter,i darken it.I'm nothing special and not even ordinary.I'm just not good enough,not good enough for my family,not good enough for a boyfriend and certainely not good enough for a friend like Jesy. I think we could've really become friends but meanwhile i lay here she gets told all this dirt about me and she will probably find me as disgusting as everyone else does including myself.All i wish i could do now, is cutting and i can't because i can't stand up but its the only thing that helps.I mean i'm not stupid i know that it isn't healthy and that eventually someone will find out but it just feels so good,when you had a rough day,you go to your bathroom,pull out a blade and just slice it across your skin once,or twice.So maybe this whole concussion has something positive because i can't cut altough the urge is so immense.

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