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Sorry that this really short but I'm having family problems and my head is just full with other stuff,so sorry again.Please comment and vote if you liked it. Love,Nati.♥

Jade's POV:

,,Jade you listening to me?" Jesy's loud,well relatively loud because we had class,voice said to me.

,,Sorry,I kinda spaced out.What did you say?" It was true i was in thoughts and didn't listen to either Jesy or the teacher but there is just always so much on my mind and i already know all the stuff the teachers tell us because the only thing i'm good at is school.

,,I asked if you would like to come to my house after school and teach me this stupid science stuff since you are a genius in this whole thing!" I smiled,this was the first time since primary school that someone has asked me to come to theirs.And Jesy and I really started to bond with each other but the thing is Jesy is kinda powerful and people know she hates bullying because she's been bullied for years so nobody bullies me when she's around but when i'm alone they are even harder on me and i have no idea how long i can keep on doing this.Of course this all isn't Jesy's fault so i can't show her how i feel,just pretend to be perfect.I'm becoming a pro at this.

,,Uhm..sure,just let me call my mom after class.And by the way it isn't that hard,you will see"

,,Easy for you to say you are amazing in everything" Oh believe me i would give everything for being like you and not this swot I am.

~Break time~ Jesy's POV:

Jade went to call her mother so i was alone and could meet with someone.If Jade would know about this she would probably freak out,or maybe not but i don't know,i can't risk it anyways.

,,Hello Beautiful" I felt two strong arms wrap around me and immediately i had a huge smile on my face.I turned around and looked in his gorgeous bambi eyes.

,,Hey handsome" He looked deep in my eyes and i nearly melted.

,,Jesy i really think we should tell her.I mean she's my sister,i feel bad for not telling her.We tell each other everything and i'm sure she would be fine with it."  Jake and I had a few lessons together and after the incident with Jade and her concussion,we started to get to know each other better and now we're a couple but its secret.

,,I get it Jake but i don't think i'm ready yet,what if she will hate me? She will always be your sister but friends are the people you chose."

,,You're right but i know my sister.Jade will be fine,but i accept it if you want to wait its fine with me.Where is she anyways?We should be careful around here before she sees us!Because then she would be mad,i just wanna make sure we are the ones to tell her."

,,She's calling your mum,asking if she can come to mines later.She wont find us here.I promise you we will tell her soon."

,,Okay,I'll text you later." His beautiful,soft lips touched mine and i was the happiest girl at this moment.

I walked back in to school and saw Jade who looked sad.

Jade's POV:

After i called my mum i wanted to search Jesy but as i said the other people at school take each moment when she isn't here to make my life a living hell.They said the most horrible things and threw things at me.So i went to the toilets and made a few cuts,only 3 or 4 but it helped.The piercing pain makes me feel alive.

,,Jadey whats up?" Jesy wraped her arm around me and looked at me worried.I looked down for a second before i put my best smile on and looked at her.

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