Let's Call It Love:Chapter 22 Mysterious Admirer

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The first update in 2012 is here! :)

Alex Pettyfer will play as Dalton Calvin Ryne. Gah, he's so handsome! xD

Gaspard Ulliel will be Chase Tristan Palmer. He's so hot *_*

Let's Call it Love
Chapter 22
Mysterious Admirer

Two weeks. Two whole freaking weeks. I've been ignoring certain people but is open to others. These certain people were who you may ask? Jace Brooks and Dalton Ryne. Those two troubling twits... Might as well call them TTT which means Two Troubling Twits. If Chase added on, which I thank God he isn't, it still wouldn't change the initials. Those two are completely messing up my used-to-be balanced equilibrium. They are both tugging on my heart strings. Damn, I don't like it.

    Adjusting to the sudden changes proved to be rather difficult. With all the adjusting to the time difference, no parental supervision (Spence gives me a little), and moving in with young adults such as like me is already pretty complicated. The decisions I make now will affect my future and I'm scared that if I take a step forward on a path which can be a wrong one, I will regret and feel it's affect later. 

    Last week, consulting Dalton about his new lifestyle didn't work out so well. Let's just say Dalton pinned me down in a wall, and tried to kiss me. I told him that I did not want my first kiss to be forced. Jace came in, my knight and shining armor, giving the boy a wake up call. Jace on the other hand, drove me crazy with his mischievous plan of pretending to be my boyfriend in front of Dalton so that he will keep his distance; just like old times. If I agree, it would be for the same reason: Dalton Calvin Ryne. It also didn't help that Jace made me feel unexpected butterflies when he spent the night over when me and Dalton had our first confrontation in two years. I'm shocked to the max, I really don't know what to make of it. I kind of feel like I'm playing with their hearts too. Why does coming back here seem like the wrong idea?

    I'm starting to think that I should go back to my family in London. I miss Rey, Royce, my mom and Carter. I also miss the friends I made over there, especially Landon (Jessie). He was my first date and well, I kind of developed a bit of feelings for him back in London but it was gone three months before I went back to America. Truth is, I'm homesick. So I finally decided to call Landon. Since I had him on speed dial, the phone was ringing in no time at all. 

    After picking up in three rings I blurted out, “I'm turning fucking insane, Landon.”

    I heard him laugh on the other end. “Care to elaborate, princess?”

    So I told him everything, I poured my freaking heart out to him telling him how things feel weird, how I'm feeling weird, and how I'm feeling so damn homesick. I even told him I missed his voice out of nowhere. Everything came out rumbling because I've been keeping it all the myself for the past two weeks. 

    What caught my attention was that his voice sounded pained for some reason. I'm not sure why but I didn't bother to actualy bring it up, that is until the end.

    “Landon, what's wrong? Is there anything that's troubling you?” I questioned, frowning even if he can't see it. 

    “Nothing, Scar. I'm just worried about you. There's too much drama.” he quickly answered, making me more suspicious.

    I rolled my eyes. “Drama makes life much more interesting.” I laughed bitterly.

    “It also gives life more pain,” he commented.

    I sighed. “I can't do much about it. I mean, I brought this upon myself. I need to be a man and stand up.”

    “You aren't a man, Scar. You are a woman.” he joked, though I could slightly hear the pained tone. “Anyways, why don't you come back?”

    I grunted loud enough for him to hear. “No shit Sherlock, prince. I can't go back, I came up with this decision. Why don't you come here instead?”

    He laughed, almost forcing himself. “I wish, princess. But I do am handling some things right now. I'll just come when I'm free.” 

    “Aw, okay. Keep your word, mister!” I pouted. 

    He chuckled. “I uh-need to go, I'll talk to you soon?”

    “Of course, bye.” I hung up.

    I sighed. I felt like crying my heart out, except I don't have a reason to. Frustration could be a reason right? A not-good-enough reason though. At least a little was lifted from my chest from talking with Landon. That dude was awesome. I wish he'd visit me. 

    I feel like a closed bottle filled with baking soda and vinegar, waiting to explode except you can't because of a stupid damn cork stuck at the top. I'm a volcano. I'm full of lava that I can't wait and spill out. Frustration and other mixed emotions gave me the reason to cry; from too much feelings. 

    It was so early in the morning that I came to the conclusion that I should do something fun with my day. So I got dressed in jogging pants, black shirt, a hat, and comfortable tennis shoes. I was going to run a mile today. I searched up in my laptop and checked where the nearest park is at and headed that way with my bike. I ended up going for five miles that day. I literally wanted to pass out in the end but I needed to get home and fast. The sizzling heat didn't help either. So I threw my numb body in the grassy area, careful not to be in anybody's way and relaxed myself. At least I thought I was relaxing until I found myself crying uncontrollably and I couldn't feel the tears tuning down my cheeks.

    I groaned, suck it up, heart I just given you exercise, you such rejoice a little less, I thought to myself.  

    I stayed there until I had enough of the heat. Biking my numb body, I raced back home. Where I found myself staring at the two twits. Dalton and Jace. They were sitting at my front porch stairs, staring at the ground, looking slightly deranged. Damnit! Are you fucking kidding with me? I go on a non-stop exercise and return to see these twits? I was off the bike but was just walking it, since my ass was getting so uncomfortable with the seats and I needed balance.

    I wanted to slyly outrun them by going to the neighbors home and asking them to keep my bike for today and sneak to my house via through the backdoor but I was too late. My damn limp body tripped over a little rock I didn't see and fell on my knees while my bike put me on a painful position. As if I wasn't in enough pain, I yelped. The twits heads snapped in my direction with alert eyes and when they saw me, immediately ran up to me with concern. How freaking unfortunate. Just when I make a fool of myself they show up. 

    So for a facade, I stood up and went back to my original position before that stupid rock ruined everything I planned and caught their attention. Though I wasn't in the same position, I was close. My knees were threating to drop on me from all the pain, I'm bleeding too. 

    “Scar, are you alright?” Dalton asked, wide-eyed.

    I looked down, away from the concerned eyes. “I'm perfectly fine,” I muttered.

    “You are putting up a facade, sweetheart. Stop this immediately.” Jace growled.

    As if I wasn't already in shock, a felt my limp body getting lifted from the ground by well-built arms. I realized I was being carried via bridal style by Jace who had on a pained expression. I felt so awkward yet I felt comfortable. I was very warm, and Jace was cold. I was way too warm that I think I might get a nosebleed so I took advantage and slighty got closer to him. I needed cold. He seemed slightly shock yet amused but still kept carrying me. I sniffed and found a very manly scent, bottom line is, Jace smelt very good. Very addicting. 

    After a few more seconds of being lifted up, I protested to be put down. He didn't acknowledge my protest at all so I tickled him in the neck; which I found that he was sensitive there and I jumped out of his grasp even though that stinged like hell. We were pasted the front door, with Dalton behind us muttering something incoherently under his breath but still not in the living room. So I didn't have anything to hold on to except a human. But I kept strong and decided to put on my facade. I took a step but my legs gave up on me. I resisted the urge to scream. 

    So instead, “Spencer! Get your damn ass down here!” I shouted.

    Soon enough, I see a very dishelved Spencer in front of me. His hair was slightly ruined, and his eyes were drooping a little until he found me. He instantly grabbed me carefully, with the help of Jace and carried me, to which I'm guessing to the sofa.

    “You have no idea how muck you saved me.” I whispered to him and he chuckled. 

    “Boy trouble?” he asked, as he gently laid me on the sofa.

    I gnawed on my bottom lip, not answering. He took that as a yes though because he was smirking. 

    That little talk kept me from yelping out from my bleeding knees. But soon, I gave up on my facade and yelped in pain. The two boys couldn't do anything but coax me to try and stop but that didn't work either. Finally, Bea came in with the first aid kit. 

    Sitting at my feet, she dabbed alcohol at a few cotton balls, but I on the other hand wanted to grab on something and put something on my mouth to keep me from screaming.

    But I couldn't. When Bea dabbed on the wound on one of my knees, I screamed. I saw Bea cringe a little from my scream. I gripped the pillows around me, to stop me from thrashing around. Oh how much stinging just occured. My hands became clammy and my right hand's grip on a pillow was slipping away but my hand had new contact. It was a cold hand and it was intertwining it's fingers with mine. It was Jace, I could smell his familiar manly scent from a few feet away. Gripping on his hand, I got ready when Bea placed those evil cotton balls on my wound again, I let out a small whimper, a small gesture of I'm still in pain. 

    After she cleaned my wounds, she put iodine on them and bandaged it all up. It didn't hurt anymore. I sighed in relief.

    I looked at Spencer, “Thanks for having a wonderful girlfriend.” I said with a smile.

    He smirked. “My babe is awesome.” he put his arm around her and kissed her forehead while she smiled like a little child.

    That was so cute...

A few moments later...

“Thanks Bea,” I weakly smiled at her.

    She nodded quietly at me then let her gaze slip to the two troubled-looking boys that was sitting in another sofa then back to me with a questioning look.

    I shrugged effortlessly. I knew she was asking why they were here. And I wonder the same thing too. I'm kidding myself, I know why they are here. They want to know why I'm avoiding them.

    After Bea and Spencer said that they will buy and bring back dinner, I was left alone in the two boy's care. Oh boy. I rolled my eyes slightly. 

    Making myself smile half forcefully and half weakly, I asked, “What are you guys doing here?”

    Jace stood up from his space in the sofa, went over to me, and stroked my cheek slightly.

    “To visit you,” he whispered.

    I blushed profoundly. This boy is driving me crazy.

    I laughed almost bitterly. “I'm doing horrible thank you very much.” I admitted.

    He gave me a light smile. “Promise me you'll answer the question I'll ask you next, Scar.”

    I gulped. What was he going to ask me? I nodded, though I don't know what I freaking agreed to.

    “Why have you been avoiding me?” he questioned, a serious, grave expression on his face.

    I gulped down the big lump that formed on my throat.

    “And me, Scar?” Dalton chirped in. 

    “I've been busy with adjusting to the new...changes” I answered. It wasn't a lie, it was a broad answer though, I'd admit that much. 

    Jace raised an eyebrow at me. “What kind of changes?”

    “Time difference, independence, and friends.” my voice cracked with I said friends, dammit!

    “Friends? What about us, Scarlette?” Dalton asked.

    “There are changes that are completely feeling foreign to me, some I fully accept,” my eyes flickered to Jace and he gave me a warm smile, which I returned, “while others I cannot fully accept.” I finished, my eyes flickering to Dalton who gave me a grim smile. 

    “That is as broad as I'll get. But understand this, you guys are wonderful friends, I'm glad to have you in my life. I'll accept you even if you changed for better or for worst. Alright?”

    They both nodded. Jace's expression was calm yet sweet looking, while Dalton had on a grim, solemn looking in his eyes. I wanted to actually cry. I haven't actually seen them since the little pinned-on-the-wall incident. 

    Tearing up a little, I said, “If I can stand up right now, I would hug you both. So do me a favor and come here!” 

    They both notice it and came into my arms as I manage to give me a bear hug. They were so warm and I realized how much more I missed them over all. It gave me so much flashbacks of memories I had with them with just a little hug. 

    I began to cry more and mutter how much I miss them and began to scold them for coming here to visit me. I truly didn't want them to see me in this horrible state but at least we kind of patched up our friendship. Now that I think about it, if I didn't get hurt, we wouldn't be patched up right now. I placed on a frown but quickly changed into a smile. 

    Letting go of them, my eyes started to droop on me, and soon my vision blurred. Wanting to fight it, a hand was placed in front of my eyes, hindering me from looking at the handsome twits in front of me. I moaned.

    Deciding it was time to rest, I didn't fight the hand any longer, so the hand was taken off. 

    I felt warm, trembling lips pressed on my hand and the person said, “Goodnight, Scarlette.” 

    I smiled and sighed goodnight. I didn't know who Just did that. I didn't really expect anything from the two though. I heard a few footsteps then the front door slammed. I knew I was alone. Until I heard slight shuffling next to me. 

    A soft, warm hand brushed away the hair that covered my face and stroked my cheek. The touch finally left, and my breathing became shallow so I held in my breath. The person's soft, warm, plum lips was pressed gently on my chapped lips for ten seconds then it left, giving me a stomach full of colorful butterflies. 

    “Sono molto attratta da te, mia cara. Vostra personalità è bello.” a velvety voice croaked softly and soon I heard another slight shuffling and the front door slamming loudly.  

    I studied Italian those two years I was in London. I knew what those words meant. They held hell of a lot of meaning

    The words were stuck in my head. “Sono molto attratta da te, mia cara. Vostra personalità è bello.”

    “Le mie labbra sono dolente a ottenere di più.” I whispered in Italian before I lunged into my beautiful wonderland. 

•Mystery Person's POV•

After I left her house, I sat in my car which was parked close. I sat there, thinking about what I just did. 

    I confessed something to Scarlette in Italian and I stole her first kiss. I learned Italian by hobby as I planned to go there one day to live there. I didn't know if Scarlette knew Italian but I had to say it. My heart was keeping it for a long time now. Now that I got that off my chest, I'm feel so happy. 

    Turning on the engine, I drove home, where I told my maid to bring me a couple of champagne. I was going to drink tonight to celebrate my courage. Even though Scarlette was sleeping, I still consider that as courage; it was indirect. I'm perfectly fine with that. I don't want her to run away from me.

    I'll do anything for her. I've never met anyone like her. Anything to win her heart. 

•Scarlette's POV•

Those words that came out of the soft, warm, plump lips in a velvety voice came ringing to me when I woke up. The reaction I had, and the words I said came back. I had this deep desire for the person and their delicious lips.

    Morning came. I literally ached everywhere. I couldn't even move anything. Not without help anyways. But not wanting to be a burden, I sucked in hell of a lot of breath when I needed to go to the bathroom, take a shower, and eat. It's not like anyone would want to help me. 

    Afternoon finally came and I was exhausted. I regret running 5 miles that day. Never again will I do that. I feel so sore everywhere and I ached in the places I've never ached before.

    My door received a knock and knew it might either be Bea or Spencer giving me a snack. To my surprise, it was Jace. He was dressed very nicely. 

    A white collared-button-up shirt along with a pair of what seems to be light brown jeans and black and brown sneakers to match. He looked very refreshed and free...to do anything he wanted. As for me, I needed to be confined to my freaking bed. 

    I groaned, pretending I don't want him. I wanted company and here I was getting one.

    “Why are you here?” I questioned.

    He chuckled. “I wanted to see how you were feeling.”

    “A wee bit better. Did I mention I ran 5 miles yesterday so I'm sore and aching everywhere?” I laughed bitterly.

    From all my complaining, a lock of hair fell straight on my face. Moving my arms were so hard. I wanted to ask Jace but it seems like he read my mind and he did it for me. I smiled gratefully at him. 



    “Don't you have anything better to do, besides visit me and get bored here? Cause I'd rather you go there because you'll just hear me groaning and moaning here.” I laughed.

    He smiled. “I'm hurt, Scar. I do but I cancelled my plans for you. Please just appreciate it and feel special.”

    I blushed. Feel special? I feel fucking special alright. 

    “I appreciate it, Jacey.” I stuck my tongue out at him. 

    He stuck out his tongue in return. He's so awesome and weird.

    “So how are you, Jace?” I asked, smiling.

    “I'm wonderful. What about you, sweetheart?”

    “I think we both know that I feel so uncomfortable and hurting. Ask me that question again in four days.” I rolled my eyes.

    “I will. Do you want anything?” 

    “Maybe a glass of water and a few cookies will suffice.” I hinted, grinning at him as best as I can. 

    So he went downstairs and grabbed me my glass of water and a few cookies. 

    I gulped down my glass of water, knowing I'll regret it later when it becomes my annoying pee. I took a cookie and started eating it. Jace watched me with amusement. I grunted.

    “Don't just look at me. Eat some of the cookies with me. You and I will become cookie buddies afterwards, Jacey.” I grinned weakly.

    He snatched one from the platter and ate some with me. 

    “I love you for eating cookies with me.” I smiled wide.

    He chuckled. “I love you too for making me eat cookies?”

    I gasped. “Have you not eaten cookies lately?”

    He shook his head. 

    “I find that utterly shocking and disturbing. When I get out of these walls, I will bring you to a bakery and feed you hell of a lot of cookies that you won't want to hang out with me ever again until you start to crave cookies.” I promised, grinning.

    He laughed. “I'll take you up on that.”

    “Good. After I get out of this horrific condition, we will go. Sounds like a date.” I winked. 

    He smirked. “A date it is.” his eyes flickered at me.

    A date with Jace? I'm not sure what I got myself into. I date isn't bad, I guess..

    “You make me laugh, Jacey. I love your hair you know.” I suddenly commented.

    He brushed a hand through his hair and his hair went in waves. Oh how beautiful. That was so awesome. 

    “Jace, I'm bored. Give me a hug.” I grinned sheepishly. 

    He didn't even hesitate to do so. He came into my bedside and hugged me. I don't know why but I had this sudden urge to sniff him again. His manly scent bombarded my nose in a good way. I wrapped my arms around him and he didn't stop me. Then I took one arm even though it was sore and ran my hand through his really soft hair. It went into beautiful waves and I sighed happily. 

    “You have beautiful hair and you smell good too.” I commented, letting him go.

    He gave me a smile but at the same time a questioning look. “You are so creepy, Scar.”

    “Truly.” I agreed with a thumbs up.

    “So you are going to stay locked up in this room until you are feeling better?” Jace inquired and I nodded.

    “Can't really do much in my state. Told you I'll bore you. Now disperse before I ask you to come back and hang out with me because I have no friends.” I laughed bitterly.

    He chuckled again. “I see. I'll bring some movies tomorrow, Scar. I'll visit you everyday. Don't worry about boring me. You are quite amusing.” 

    “Whatever you want,” I stuck my tongue out at him.

    He walked over, grabbed my left hand and gave it a gentle squeeze of reassurance. I laughed and squeezed back. He leaned in and kissed my cheek; a friendly gesture before letting go of my hand.

    “Don't fall off the bed!” he reminded her, his voice echoing in the hallway.

    I rolled my eyes at him and snorted. “I'm not dumb! See you!”

    And with that, my little hang out with Jace Skyler Brooks ended. Tomorrow we will have one, and the next, and the next—if he keeps his word that is. 

A little later...

•Dalton POV•

“Come in,” Bea welcomed me.

    I entered the house, well-dressed and brought in a few things for Scarlette. She needed them for sure. 

    “All for Scarlette?” I heard a manly voice ask me. 

    I twisted my head to the voice direction and noticed it to be Spencer. He was drinking coke in front of a large plasma screen. He was watching football.

    I placed all the necessary things for Scarlette at the kitchen counter and ran a hand down my hair. I nodded and walked over to him.

    “Yes, you must have not met me yet. My name is Dalton Ryne." I smiled and held my hand out for him to shake. 

    He shook it silently and returned his eyes back to the large tv. 

    “Name is Spencer,”

    “I'm well aware. Nice to meet you.”

    After that awkward greeting, I saw Bea, come and motioned me to her. 

    “Scarlette is sleeping but you can visit her just be quiet unless you want to feel her rage." she chucked. 

    “Alright,” I chuckled.

    “Just walk straight until you see Scarlette's name hanging in a door. The door is already open for you.” Bea explained to me as I nodded. 

    So doing so, I walked straight until I found Scarlette's name type of tag hanging in front of a purple door. The tag had a few swirls that corresponded to the color and hell of a lot of flowers. So typical of her, I thought to myself.

    A saw a little opening in the door so I took a hold of the knob and entered her room. The smell of sweet perfume hit my nose and it literally reminded me of her from before. Just like old times ha. 

    Observing her room, my eyes finally found her. Oh how she looked like an angel. I sighed. I walked over to her, and looked at her more. She seems to be pain yet she still managed to look peaceful. 

    I wish she was awake. I needed to apologize for what I did for the last two meet ups we had together. Now I can't, I guess I'll just have to come back tomorrow and see if she's awake. 

    Truly, I felt guilty for what I did, to the max. I tried to kiss her twice in a row. It sucks because maybe she won't trust me again because of what I did. I don't know anymore. The alcohol and the hurt feelings I've been having since Janelle and I separated gets to me all the time. Janelle made my life a hell by telling me Scar hated me. And I think what she said was right. But I'm not giving up, specially when it comes to Scarlette. I will try and win back our friendship. 

    Slowly disappearing, I heard her mumble something incoherently under her breath. I stopped myself and listened if she was awake. I let my head slip back a little to check if she was awake but it turns out it's a false alarm. She was still sleeping like an angel. 

    I felt like I corrupted her and I'm a demon. Sighing quietly to myself, I slipped my head out of her door and came face to face with Spencer.

    “Is she awake?” Spencer gave me the eye.

    I shook my head. “No, not that I'm aware of. I'll see you guys later. Have a good night.” I muttered before walking off.

    I said goodbye to Bea, got in my car and gave one last glance at the house. I see two people hugging and I knew it's Spencer and Bea being all sweet. Oh how I wish I would have moments like that with the girl I love. Enough day-dreaming, I raced back home. 

•Scarlette's POV•

    I woke up and it was already evening, my digital alarm clock said it was 7:39 pm. Sighing, I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and called the house phone. 

    Either Bea or Spencer answered. 

    “Hello?” Bea asked on the other end.

    “Hey Bea,” I said sheepishly. “Do you think you could set up my dinner downstairs in the kitchen? I'm going downstairs to eat.”

    She chuckled. She's so nice!

    “Of course, do you want me to call Spence to help you get down here?”

    “No thanks. I'm trying to get up to get my body moving again so I decided a trip to the kitchen isn't so bad.” I laughed.

    “Well alright,” she said, “See you downstairs.”

    I nodded and hung up, knowing she didn't see that either. 

    Getting downstairs was pretty difficult but I managed. I ate next to Bea and we talked about those two twits, the boys who have been visiting me. We laughed and ate while discussing the two twits and Spencer. 

    Spencer came along giving us both a glare because we were talking about him. After dinner was done, Bea insisted Spencer do dishes because he hasn't done them in a while. He groaned but took the job like a man. 

    Getting upstairs without much difficulty like last time, I sat in my bed, thinking about last night. The words that came out of those soft, warm, lips held a lot of meaning. And the reaction I gave was unbelievably not me. 

    Whoever stole my first kiss and those great words sent tingles in my cheeks and butterflies in my stomach. I slowly came into the conclusion that I'm...attracted to the mysterious person who did those wonderful things. Oh my god, I'm turning fucking insane! 

    Now the question is, who did it? Who knows Italian? It can only be two boys and it was the Two Troubling Twits. Either Dalton Ryne or Jace Brooks. Considering my admirer did not say the words in English meant that they didn't want me to know. It'll be hard to probably take it out of them but I'll do it. I need to see who my mystery admirer is. How exciting if you think about it, NOT. 

    Now that you think about it, me, Jace and Dalton are all stubborn and secretive people. I sighed. This will be harder than I thought. But I'm ready. 

    Having unrequited love all my life is before. Now, I won't let go of my mysterious admirer because, I too, am feeling something for the person. It's time to end the unrequited love trend. I've had it for a long time now. At least I know who it can be between, Jace and Dalton. The two boys who switched their lifestyle. The two perfectionist who both stole my troubled heart


•••Read Please!•••

I am so sorry for not uploading in a long time. The last time I uploaded was November 19 of 2011. And it's already next year.

    I really have no excuse, though. I'm sorry for making you guys wait so long. But I promise, this time for real that I will update regularly. 

#1: I didn't know what angle I wanted Scar to be in. I didn't have any idea that kept the story going until now. 

#2: I kind of stopped writing because school was taking over my life haha. 

#3: I had trouble keeping the story interesting. I struggled hell of a lot. 

#4: Life is a little rough for me this year. 

But I hope those reason are okay. I kind of just rambled. 

BUUUUUTTTT, what did you guys think of the chapter? Was it good? Bad? And I'll give the translation of the Italian words that was said in this chapter than rather make you guys search it up.


Italian: “Sono molto attratta da te, mia cara. Vostra personalità è bello.”

English Translation: “I'm very attracted to you, my dear. Your personality is beautiful.”

Italian: “Le mie labbra sono dolente a ottenere di più.”

English Translation: “My lips are aching to get more.”

Let me know what you think who her mysterious admirer is and give reasons why you think it's that person! Comment, Vote, Message! :D

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