Let's Call it Love:Chapter 1 The Race

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  • Dedicated to Ricabelle (Happy Birthday!) (:

Let's Call It Love

Chapter 1

The Race

I hastily drove with two other cars in the race track; I smirked at both of the drivers as they did the same thing back. All three of us had arrogance running through our veins. It was only natural. The orange car was in the same pace as I was, teasing me, and testing me. While the other car, the gray one was following in the end of mine, keeping a dangerously close distance. We were all close to the finish line with the orange car in the lead. I snorted. They can do better than that. And with the finish line coming up closer now, I took a chance and blinked.

"Woo! Way to go, Chase!" A familiar voice cheered me on.

I gradually pulled to a stop, as did the others. People just started to come to the cars as the three of us got out. I took off my helmet, and ran a hand through my hair. As the elite group, of course we were greeted by myriads of reporters and girls-well, mostly girls.

"So, how about that deal we've made?" I asked Dalton and Jace who was following me, the other two racers. They too, took off their helmets, which elicited screams from the feminine audience, without a doubt.

We left behind the fan girls, extremely unfazed by their constant screaming our names.

My eyes flickered at the both of them, a grin on my sweaty face. They looked away, irritated. Jace groaned quite loudly, which the fan girls heard. The girls screamed even harder.

"A deal is a deal," Dalton said to the both of us, seemingly irritated.

Jace already started sulking, it seems. I rolled my eyes, such a kid I thought.

We entered the locker room, the screaming diminishing when we got in deeper in the building. Sweat ran down my face so I quickly wiped it off. I sat down as I drank my water, feeling very refreshed afterward.

Our coach, Mr. Edwards appeared along with Jace's nice older sister, Jade. Would you believe that his sister still has a little kids voice? It's hard to be serious with her voice.

"You boys agreed to my challenge," she paused, "and turns out Chase won again. A deal is a deal."

Jace rolled his eyes at his sister. She quickly saw that and hit him in the head. He groaned.

"Anyway, the two who lost has to go to Eon High School," They both groaned quietly but then she gave them both a death glare, "while the winner doesn't have to."

She said as I grinned at both Jace and Dalton.

"Dalton, Jace you will both go at Eon High School starting next week, which will be the first day of school for everyone else. Since today is Saturday it will be two days from now," and she paused, "Is that understood?"

"I'll get going." Coach said and left the room. I just nodded.

Dalton just nodded as if fine he was fine with it, while Jace whined to his sister about it. I bet he would even go on his knees for it. As for me, I stared at them in amusement, with a grin plastered on my face.

"Jace, act more mature like them," she gestured at Dalton and me, "you're not a kid anymore."

"I told mother this, and I told you this, I don't want to be in school! There is so much drama!" He complained to her in his childish voice.

He was on his knees by now, dragging them on the floor while his sister was walking around. It was quite a sight to behold.

"Shut it. You agreed to the challenge, now you have to face the consequences. You're not a wimp, right?" She asked him while looking at some papers in her hands.

Jace stopped his whining and stood, trying to act more manly.

"I'm not a-" He said in a really deep voice, "wimp."

And his voice cracked.

Dalton, his sister and I tried to supress a laugh. But the moment was so right that, it was too difficult. We all burst out laughing our asses off.

Jace turned red in an instant hiding his face from all of us, but reluctantly turned to face us.

"Stop laughing at me!" He ordered us to do in a embarrassed tone.

A few minutes later, we all stopped laughing and Jace's face returned to its natural skin color. Everyone calmed down a bit. Suddenly Jade threw something at Dalton's and Jace's lap. It looked to be the school uniforms.

"You will have to wear these uniforms when you come to the first day and the rest of your school year." She informed them. Jace groaned. Dalton just looked at it. I grabbed Jace's uniform from his hands and looked at it.

The uniform had a dark blue vest laid on top of a white collar shirt while the pants were in plain black. It looked kind of formal in some ways but it looks decent. The schools logo is in there, it looked like the code of arms of the school. Pretty cool.

I was so busy that I didn't notice that my phone rang. Dalton shook me. I took out the phone and put it to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked the caller.

"Young sir, your mother wishes to speak to you now." My mother's secretary told me.

"Okay, where? And why?" I asked him. Usually my mother would only call me if I did something wrong or if she needs my help.

"In her main office, and I wasn't told of it." He answered.

"Well, I'll be there in five. Bye." I told him as I got off the phone.

I faced them now. "Gotta go. My mother is calling me for something," I paused, "hope you have a great school day wearing that." I teased them.

Jace stuck his tongue out at me while Dalton just groaned quietly. Jade just giggled a bit, smiled and then nodded. I left out the locker room and noticed that all the girls were gone. Security must have escorted them out. Only natural. I eventually made it to my car, opened it unwillingly, and got in. The sound of the engine turned on, soothed me.

I wonder what the hag wants? This better be good.

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