Chapter 1: Death

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Who Said Vampires Don't Exist? Well, I Did, Until Now

~~~~I hope you guys like the story. Vote and comment, tell me what you honestly think:) The music video that I have attached to this chapter I thought captured Jaime's feelings perfectly. The song is how she feels about her brother. You'll understand after you read :) I suggest listening to the song; it's by Evanescence, and I think it's really good and haunting.~~~~

Chapter 1


The point no one mentions. The subject that can bring whole empires to ruin.

What happens after we die is a question everyone fears to ask. In my opinion, those who die are fortunate; it's those left behind that experience the real suffering. The death of someone you love is indescribable. It's a pain worse than anyone can comprehend. It's a burning, agonizing, unbearable event that no one can ever truly wish for.

I've experienced my fair share of death.

You'd think when my mom told me she was sending me to boarding school that I would get upset, but I didn't. Nothing upset me anymore. My mom called me cold and heartless, and in a way... she was right. I didn't seem to have any emotions anymore. After all my emotions being in pain for five years, I suppose they just vanished. Ever since my little brother died five years ago, I never felt anything other than pain.

My heart died that day.

So when my mom told me she was sending me to boarding school, I didn't care. I had no friends at home to hold me back. So I just told her "okay" and went up to my room to pack.

It didn't take long to gather up my few belongings. The most important objects in my life are my iPod and a small five by five photo of my brother and I. The photo was old and worn from my frequent viewings. It was the last photo we took together while he was alive. It showed him and I hugging in front of the house. It was a spur of the moment photo my mom took, and she had no idea how much I would come to treasure it. I couldn't even recognize myself in the photo. The girl who stared back at me had no darkness in her heart, no shadows at her back, just vibrant life.

Evanescence blasted through my speakers as I laid on my bed and stared at the ceiling. My life had been dismal lately. Not only did I not have any friends, but everyone at school thought I was a freak. I dressed in all black, and it being a heavily conservative prep school, they all thought I was some type of witch that would suck their blood. It didn't bother me though; I let them think what they wanted. Any hatred was better than the whispers I used to get after the incident.

Before I knew it, my eyes began to get heavy, and I drifted off to sleep.

------"Sis!" I heard a small voice call out. I turned around with a huge smile on my face. "Sis, watch me jump in!" He jumped far into the air and landed into the pool with a huge splash that hit me in the face. I laughed.

"Sam, you got me all wet!" I yelled at him, pretending to be mad. I could never really be mad at him; I loved him too much.

"Jaime, I did that on accident. But this is on purpose!" He told me before cupping water into his small hands and throwing it at my face. We both laughed and laughed. My heart was full of love for him. Suddenly, he stopped laughing.

"Samie, what's wrong?" I asked worried. I got onto my knees and reached a hand out to him, but he swam to the other side of the pool.

"Why did you do it Jaime? Why did you do this to me?" He asked. Black water ran down his face, hiding everything but his eyes. His once bright blue eyes turned a dark shade of red.

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