Chapter 12 - If I Didn't Know Better

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Management didn’t even let Louis and I rest before our first interview. We were dropped off at a studio while the other boys were taken home. As I sat beside him waiting, Lou tapped his feet against the floor and hummed.

“What song is that?” I ask, curious.

He blushed, thinking I hadn’t noticed. “I don’t remember the name, but it’s the one Zayn sang for his audition.”

I thought for a second before replying, “Oh, it’s called Let Me Love You.” As he continued to hum the tune, I softly sang the lyrics.

You should let me love you

Let me be the one to

Show you everything you want and need

Louis joined me and we sang the rest of the song together. I couldn’t help but wonder why he’d been humming that song in particular, since it was basically a song about someone in love. Aw, was Louis in love?

“You know Boobear, if you love someone go ahead and let me know, is that the big secret?” I joke.

His head jerks up to look at me before his face turns to the floor and his cheeks brighten with a crimson color. “No, what makes you say that?” Right, because that totally just convinced me he was telling the truth.

“You know you can tell me, you don’t have to hide it!” I laughed, as his face got even brighter if that was possible.

“I said no, Hazza! I am not in love with someone!” But he still can’t manage to say it to my face, choosing to stare at the oh-so-fascinating ground instead.

“Which explains your burning cheeks and guilty expression. Come on, I can help you get her! It’s not like you have to worry about me, remember we’re not really-“

He slaps a hand over my mouth and I tug at his wrist until he lets go. “What was that? You idiot, now my mouth stings!” I rubbed at my jaw, glaring at him.

“I had to get you to shut up before you said anything else! We’re in public, at a place filled with press, do you really want to say what you were about to shout at me?” He said condescendingly.

He was right; I just almost blew the cover off our relationship. “Sorry, I wasn’t thinking…” I sigh, turning away. I never do anything right anymore.

“What? No, Haz, of course you do things right. You wouldn’t be part of an amazing international band or have three best friends and me if you did nothing right. Stop saying that ‘cause it’s not true!” This time he’s the one to use my wrists and move my hands from my face, and he gently rubs the stinging part of my mouth for me. Interesting how he didn’t list himself as one of my best friends. Was it possible that he’d guessed what was going on or felt the same way about me? No, I was just overthinking it.

Wait a second… I didn’t say that part about not doing anything right out loud! Was Louis secretly a mind reader? He chuckled down at me.

“No, I’m sorry to say I haven’t developed that power yet. You’re saying what you’re thinking out loud, silly Haz.”

Just then I heard our names being called, so I stood and pulled Louis with me to what I assumed was the interview room. Inside was a plain wood table with two comfortable-looking chairs set opposite presumably our two interviewers. I smiled at them and noticed their eyes trailing between Louis and I at about my hip level.

Looking down, I saw that I still had Boo’s hand gripped tightly in my own from dragging him into the room. The interviewers didn’t know that and probably thought it was a romantic gesture as we were a “couple”. I didn’t bother to pull my hand away or comment on it, since that’s what they were supposed to think.

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