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Johnny | Lydia

Please read the author note at the end. It's important.

Lydia had never been one to post attention seeking selfies online. But after the day that she'd had, she had no qualms about hitting upload to her snap story. The picture of her tear soaked cheeks and the caption that read 'done' was by far the most pathetic thing that she'd done to date and after a few minutes of staring at the picture, she hit delete.

She curled up on her window seat and stared out at the fresh snow fall. What a horrible end to her Christmas break. The one person that she never thought would hurt her, did the most damage that another person has ever inflicted upon her.

She'd grown up with Riley Hart. They had shared their first kiss. Their first time. Their first everything and he'd cheated on her at a mutual friends New Year's Eve party. The more she thought about it, the more sick she became, the nausea having her run to the bathroom over and over again in fear that she'd vomit from the heaving and not the hangover.

"Lyds!" Nathan's voice echoed outside of her closed door just moments before he tapped on the wood and pushed it open. "Hey your Mom and— are you alright?"

He walked further in and sat beside her on the window seat after noticing her distraught state. Lydia pulled her hood on and snatched the blanket on her window seat, pulling it up under chin before she spoke. She was afraid that the stench of alcohol might still be on her breath.

"I'm fine." She mumbled, biting down on her lip in order to keep more tears from falling. "Just tired."

"Lyds, you look really upset?"

She knew that if she told her step father what had happened, he'd lose his cool. He'd find Riley and do extensive damage. That was if her Mom didn't get to him first. She had a bunch of lunatics to call family and right now, the only person that she felt wouldn't murder her ex, was her Dad. Not because he didn't care. He just wasn't the confrontational type.

"I broke up with Riley." She lied. Nathan recoiled and she couldn't help but roll her eyes at his shock. To her parents, Riley was the golden boy. They were the perfect couple and they had little clue of just how wrong they were.

"What um— what happened?" He questioned with a gentle tone.

"I was just over it. I'm fine. Can we just not talk about it? Please?"

"Sure sweetheart. Just let me know if you need anything? Alright?" Nathan stood and gave her shoulder a caress.

She loved that about her step father. He was there, always. No matter the circumstance, he'd lend his support or a shoulder to cry on. But he didn't hover and he didn't push her when she asked for space. It caused a little concern that he was the coach at school though. There was always a chance that he would hear the news circulating. She hoped that it wouldn't be of interest to anyone. But Riley was on the football team so the chances were high.

Once he was gone, she picked up her cellphone and relocated to her bed on the other side of the room.

Her parents had renovated the house when she was just a child. Her room had been an extension and she loved it. The walls were painted a pale coral colour, her white carpet still soft and thick. The window seat was her favourite feature of course. It captured the afternoon sun and allowed her warmth in the winter. A large cork board hung beside it, covered in photos of her friends and loved ones. Under it sat a desk with her laptop and other study needs. Her bed sat centre of the room on the same wall as the door while the far right wall housed her dresser and closet. And the best part was the corner where her pugs bed sat. The girl was old, having been a gift when she was five. But she was her best friend. The room was her safe haven and sanctuary, especially when her little brother was bugging her.

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