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Johnny | Lydia

Feeling better today?

Yeah I suppose so. Still pissed that Mom wouldn't let me out last night but the girls are here now so hopefully we have a good night.

Good. :) do you want me to leave you to it?

Actually we're just watching a movie in bed at the moment. We'll probably have a joint or something once everyone's gone to bed.


It's not so bad. Drinking makes me loud, stupid and likely to do something illegal. A bit of ganja will make me hungry then put me to sleep.

Can't argue with that.

You don't like it?

I'm all for it's medicinal uses. But na, don't like it for recreational purposes.

Fair enough.

So about an hour ago, I got a package in the mail.

Oh yeah 😉

Know anything about that?

Depends. Was it a ridic amount of Reece's pieces?

Indeed it was.

I might have had something to do with that.

You're an actual angel sent from the heavens above. I can't believe you remembered that I like them.

How could I forget! That was the first time we met and you were judging me so hard for not liking peanut butter.

I was tbh. Thought you were INSANE.

Do you also remember how we both declared that we'd never drink alcohol.

Well that didn't last 😂 whoops.

Yeah we probably should have listened to Drayton though. Hangovers are the fucking worst.

I agree. Although, I don't get them toooo bad. I just get super tired.

Well just wait until you're my age.

You're like two years older than me.

Yeah well not long to go until your a withering old soul like myself.

Lydia's giggle got the attention of Sadie and Allison. Both of the girls gave her a curious glance and she shrugged her shoulders, pointing at the screen as though the movie had humoured her.

Earlier in the week when she had been home from school, she had gone online and ordered the peanut butter treats to be sent to Johnny. She had to contact Dallas for his address and asked her not to clue her friend in.

It turned out to be a nice phone call, catching up with Dallas who was sorry to hear about her break up with Riley. Drayton had also voiced his thoughts, claiming that when he was free to come to town he'd be more than happy to disperse of Riley's body and any evidence that could be left behind.

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