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"Carter, you can't just help yourself to this equipment. It's expensive and a teacher has to supervise."

Lydia's words fell on deaf ears as carter continued to fill his arms with the bow and arrows, unfazed at her warning. The equipment room in the gym wasn't being used but she could hear Nathan from where she was, taking a class and shouting directions at the freshman.

With lunch next, she knew that the room wouldn't be unoccupied for much longer. The football players would arrive to collect their gears and the last thing that she wanted, was to get caught sneaking equipment out with Carter.

"Relax killer," he grinned, gesturing his head in the direction of the door before he started towards it. "We'll be careful."

Before he walked out, Carter poked his head around the door jam and searched both directions before he stepped out in to the gym foyer. Lydia kept her scowl on his back as she followed him with a quick walk across the open space that allowed light in with wide windows and glass doors.

Once the two of them were outside, Carter led the way, keeping close to the brick walls until they were out on the field. The snow had been light for the last week so there was a little bit of the white powder here and there. But for the most part, the grass was just wet and cold.

It took a few minutes before there destination was met. The archery target boards were set up side by side and well out of view of the school. Carter dropped the bow and arrows, putting his hands on his hips with a proud grin.

"While I'm itching to shoot one of those things," Lydia admitted with her nose upturned in faux self righteousness. "I have to point out that you've lost it."

"Wanna hear a secret," he questioned picking up one arrow and the bow.

He lined up his shot, one eye closed as he pulled his elbow back, the sound of the bow rope becoming tight. His stance was perfect, strong and confident as he concentrated on what he was doing. Lydia felt herself lost to him, watching with so much admiration that she got a fright when he released the arrow and it loudly pinged.

"I was an instructor for archery at boarding school," he lowered the bow and nodded his head in the direction of the target. Lydia glanced to her right and found herself smiling when she saw the arrow on the red spot in the centre of the circle.

"So you won't get into trouble if we get caught then?" She folded her arms and brought her attention back to Carter who was watching her with a cute smirk.

"Oh no I'll get into a shit ton of trouble," he nodded, pursing his lips. "But you won't get hurt."

She felt her cheeks warm up under his sincere gaze. She hadn't expected that response but it brought on that familiar flutter in the pit of her stomach and she realised there was a definite truth to what Riley had said.

If she hadn't checked out of her relationship a long time ago, she wouldn't be so susceptible to these emotions that were being caused by another guy.

"Well, show me how it's done then," she walked forward, stopping only inches in front of him. Her gaze stayed glued to his as she reached down and took the bow from his hand, his smile growing.

Carter put his hands on her hips, turning her so that she was facing the target board. "Alright, lift the bow, get a feel for it," he instructed and Lydia did so, working hard to concentrate while his hands were serving to distract her.

Lydia | ✔️Where stories live. Discover now