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Johnny | Lydia

"You don't have to go to school today." Spencer told her daughter when she emerged on Monday morning. It had been one week since the New Year's Eve party where Lydia's entire relationship fell to pieces and all she'd done in that time was sit in her room, text Johnny and stuff her face with her grandmother's home baking. She didn't even acknowledge her birthday, letting it pass by with just texts and a family meal. She had plans with her friends, but they were for the following weekend. She hoped that she'd feel more up to it by then.

"Why wouldn't I go to school?" Lydia mumbled, sitting at the dining table but declining when her mother offered her a bowl of cereal. "I'm the one that did the breaking up. Remember? I'm fine."

"You're not acting like someone who did the breaking up." Spencer arched a brow and slid an orange juice across to Liam who sat down with his third thick novel of the week.

"Yeah," he taunted. "You're acting like an emo."

"Shut up brat!"

"Both of you quit it." Nathan ordered as he joined them at the table with his smoothie. Spencer placed a tasteful kiss on his lips which didn't bother Lydia, but she did feel a jab of envy towards her mother who had always been happy. "Liam, quit bothering your sister."

"What are you doing for your birthday?" Spencer questioned her daughter as she leaned with one hand on a dining chair. "Are you still having the girls over?"

"I guess." Lydia shrugged, tugging on her school stockings under the table. "It was all planned. Plus, I'm fine. So yes!"

"Fine is code for suicidal isn't it?" Liam jeered once again. Lydia flung a spoon across the table and it hit him square in the forehead.

"Stop!" Spencer shouted at her children and Lydia rolled her eyes, no longer interested in family breakfast as she got up and snatched her back pack from the kitchen floor.

"Do you want a ride?" Nathan called after her but she didn't respond, she simply shook her head and slammed the front door behind her.

There was a little regret as she began on her way to school. It was cold. A thick layer of snow coated the footpaths and the bus heating was lacking to say the least. But she would have chosen that over the greeting she received at school. It felt as though the entire student body had heard about her relationships demise. That couldn't be the case, but it felt daunting to have eyes watching her walk through the halls and when she received a text message from Johnny, she welcomed the distraction.

Good luck at school today. Chin up. Head high. You're a bad ass damn queen and in my opinion, you're better than all the rest.

Well, for the sake of feeding my ego, I'll pretend like your opinion is the only one that matters.

No ones opinion actually matters Lyds. But I certainly think that you're leagues above the rest.

You're a bit sweet huh.

Just a bit. Whatcha doing?

Just got to home room. I'm attempting to ignore my ex's presence. Such a dirt bag.

Attempting? Is he not easy to ignore?

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