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"AARRRGGGHHH!" I yell as I slam my hand down on my alarm clock and shut it off. 

I hate mornings so much. I also have to get up extra early since I need to take the bus to school and by extra early, I mean at 6 am because it's a one hour bus ride. I get out of bed and hop in the shower.

"Amber don't forget you have a dentist appointment this morning at 8:45!" I hear my mom yell.

"Okay mom!" I yell back.

Well crap. It looks like I'm going to be missing the first class of the year. Way to make a great first impression without even being there. I get out and put on a loose white knit sweatshirt, light blue jeans and some white converse. I leave on the gold necklace with my name that I always have on and curl my hair. I don't curl it every day but I have some extra time today. I don't usually put on a lot of makeup on a regular basis. I never use foundation because it feels so heavy and I feel like it's going to melt off my face. But I do use a tiny bit of concealer under my eyes. Today I just do a simple winged liner, put on a little mascara and put some tinted lip balm in my bag since I'm about to go eat. 

I usually make my own breakfast since mom and dad are usually gone by the time I wake up, but mom needs to find a new job so she hasn't left yet. I think she's going to a few job interviews today. I fry some eggs, make a fruit salad and toast a bagel. Yup very healthy. I am an athlete so I kinda have to eat healthy, especially breakfast. It's about 8:05 after I finish eating so I quickly wash my dishes and run upstairs to grab my bag. 

Soccer tryouts are today so I bring a duffel bag with my soccer gear along with my backpack. I was stupid and didn't bring all my stuff to school yesterday so I could put it in my locker, so I need to bring EVERYTHING today. I brush my teeth again, put on some lip balm and rush back downstairs and ask my mom if she can drive me to the dentist's office. 


45 minutes and one teeth cleaning later, I'm in school. Does anyone else just absolutely hate getting their teeth cleaned, but still appreciates it at the same time? I got here just as the bell rang for class change so I shove my stuff in my locker, grab what I need for Music Composition and run to my History 11 classroom. I know what you're thinking. What is this girl doing? She just said she has Music Composition, and she's running to her previous class? Yes, I am because I have 10 minutes so I'm going to find out what I missed and tell the teacher why I wasn't there. I'm trying to fix the horrible first impression that was made. 

And now, 8 minutes and one awkward conversation later, I arrive in the Auditorium. Apparently, there are a bunch of studios for every 2-6 students that are assigned but we're just in the Auditorium for the introduction. 

I see a familiar face in the crowd and go to stand beside him.

"Hey." Aaron says as he notices me

"Hello hello." I reply.

"So I hear that you're supposed to buddy up for the studios." he says innocently.

"Yes, I heard that as well." 

"Would you be interested in sharing a studio?" he asks as he titles his head towards me.

"Hm, I don't know..." I joke.

He gasps and begs, "Pleaseeeee?"

"I'm just kidding, of course." I laugh.

He just fist bums the air and mutters "yes" under his breath. 

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