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I blink. I turn on my phone to see what time it is. 11: 37 am. Not bad. I check my notifications and see a bunch of texts from everyone except for the one that I really wanted.

I go on messages to see if Amber has read my text or not.

She has.

Well, there's nothing I can do about it. Relationships only work when both sides want to have the relationship. Either it's platonic or romantic.

I sigh and get up from bed. I go to the washroom to check on my cheek.

My hair is a mess. I take my brush and start brushing my hair.

I go back on my bed and go on my phone.

I have a text message from Ella.

-Hey, I heard what happened. Are you okay?-

I reply.

-Yup. Are we still hanging out today?-

-If you are okay with it?-

-Yeah. I'll meet you there-


-BTW, you and Charlotte should talk about what happened yesterday-

-Yeah...I probs should.-

-So... do you want to hang out today like usually?-

-IDK... I'm pretty sure Charlotte doesn't want to hang out with me and plus I rather have her anger die down before having to hang out with her-

-Oh, I guess that's true but still I think it would be better for you to sort it out sooner than later.-

-IDK... she's scary when she's mad.-

-Come one Ella. I'll be there to help you. Does 2pm work for you?

-Sure I guess-

-Okay, it's settled then. Let's meet in front entrance of the mall-


I text Charlotte next.

-Hey, let's go shopping today. Meet at the front entrance of the mall at 2?-

I get a text back almost instantly.

-Sounds great! Cya soon-

Well, it's settled then.

I get up from bed and go downstairs to grab some food. I don't usually make Evan's food but I decide to make some pancakes for both him and I because I want to get on his good side. He is my ride after all because our parents are working today.

I put my hair up and start mixing the pancake mix with eggs and milk. I then pour some out on the pan and start cooking some pancakes. I take out whipped cream and maple syrup from the fridge and set up plates and cutlery. I make some eggs and hashbrowns. There's no more bacon left so I guess we won't be having that.

Once I'm done making breakfast/brunch, I run up stairs to Evan's room to wake him up.

"Wake up Evan." I shake him.

"Just five more minutes." He mumbles as he attempts to fall back asleep.

"Can you drive me to the mall?" I ask.

I get no reply.

"Evan?" I shake him but he still won't answer me.

"Wake up!" I yell while pulling away his covers.

Still he doesn't get up. He grunts and pulls his pillow over his ears, trying to muffle the sound.

"I made you breakfast?" I say almost singing.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2018 ⏰

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