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Waking up early is not really my thing but I don't have a choice. In order to get a ride from my brother, I need to be on schedule, which means not being late. I've been late so many times last year that the office assistants all knew my name. Not fun. Quite embarrassing as Evan is always early. All though we are both part of the "popular group," we still study hard and think realistically. Being popular isn't going to feed us. Well, unless you're a celebrity or something like that. Even though some people may think of me as a queen bee and only cares about her popularity, I think there's more to myself self than looks. Same goes for Evan. Although he acts like a child in front of me, to others he is just a chill and handsome basketball player.

"Thanks for the ride Evan."

"Yeah, no problem. Are you gonna hang out with your friends now?" he says while locking his car.

"Um, let me check my phone." I say as I give my binder for Evan to hold while I text.

"Nope, I guess you're stuck with me." I say with a fake smile.

"Oh yay. Hanging out with my Hayhay is my favourite thing to do." Evan says sarcastically.

"Excuse me? You should be honored by my presence." I say as I punch his arm rather more hard than I anticipated.

"Of course your majesty." he says mockingly.

"Ugh, enough of this. Let's go to the cafeteria. We still have 20 minutes until the bell." I say after checking the time.


"Okay, so for the rest of the period, you are to read pages 5 to 27 from the textbook and answer the booklet that I handed out. Be ready to answer and define the events from those pages. If you work productively, you won't have homework."

First class of the first day of school and I already have so much homework. Good thing schedules alternate at this school because the homework won't be technically due until Thursday, the day after tomorrow.

I probably shouldn't procrastinate and do my work tonight. Maybe I'll do my homework with Charlotte as she's in the same class as me which I'm so relieved about as there weren't anyone else that I'm close to yet.

I try to answer as many of the questions possible before the bell. The teacher only gave us 10 minutes to work on the booklet and there is absolutely no way someone could finish this in 10 minutes. I give up. I'll just do it later. I lie to myself. I probably will end up doing it the day it's due. No, no Hayden. Don't think like that on the first day of school! I can do this. No, I will do this today.

I try to keep motivated as I go to my next class. Physics 12. I am so nervous for this. I'm going to have no friends in that class. Actually, I have all grade 12 classes today except for history 11, which I just had.

I take a big breath before going in. Okay. Seats. Seats are important. Where should I sit? Oh no. I should've thought of this before. Maybe I'll sit in the front. No! Then I can't dose off when the teacher is talking. Keep calm Hayden. Just walk naturally. I walk towards to window seat. Thank goodness the seats aren't in pairs. That would be so awkward if no one sat beside me. I put down my purse on the floor and take out my pencil case. Having nothing to do, I take out my phone and earbuds and listen to music. I look around the class and see that a lot of the seats have been filled in when I notice this hot guy sitting behind me. Who is this guy? I haven't seen this guy before so I'm guessing he is new. I know quite a lot of people and know most of the students that go here and plus there's no way I would've missed this guy. He notices that I've been staring and our eyes meet. Wow, his eyes are so unreal. They are a light electric blue that remind me of the sky on a clear sunny day. I have never seen eyes that stunning. I quickly look away when I realise I've been staring. Well that was awkward.

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