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It's day 3 of the school year. It's also Wednesday. It's also currently 6 am and I just woke up. My phone buzzes and I see a text from Aaron.

-wakey wakey. where do you live cuz we be picking you up this morning for school-

-thx and good morning to you too. My address is 647 Duncan Avenue-

-great c u in at 8:05-

-okay bye-

It only takes about 15 minutes to drive to school, but you know how buses are, so that's why it takes an hour by bus to get to school. I usually take the 7:15 bus and get to school at around 8:15. If I walk, it would probably take 2 hours to get to school, so I'd rather not. Only because it would mean getting up even earlier. I have an extra 50 minutes today so I decide to go for a run. I change into some shorts and a t-shirt, grab my headphone and go outside.

I live near trail so I just run through it and back home. It's a nice clear, cool morning so the run is very refreshing. I think about yesterday again for the millionth time and sigh. I just don't want it to be complicated. Last year was complicated enough, so I was really hoping for a nice, simple year. I hope that this whole "twinning with someone you've never met before" thing isn't going to utterly ruin my year by complicating it beyond belief.

I check my phone and see it's already 7:25. Damn it! I'm going to be late. I sprint the rest of the way home since I already turned around, and end up getting home 10 minutes later. Well now I'm all sweaty again so I hop in the shower quickly. My hair is naturally straight so I just blow dry it and leave it down. I put on a white Thrasher t-shirt and some super ripped jeans. For shoes I just go with classic black Vans and also grab a Yankees hat since it's actually quite sunny today and I don't want to burn. I don't bother with makeup and just put on some moisturizer with some SPF. I put my stuff in my backpack and grab my soccer gear and stuff it in my duffel bag along with my water bottle. We have soccer practice today if you haven't guessed already. We have practices on Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

I run downstairs, blend a smoothie, put it in one of those cups with a straw and I'm good to go. I'm pretty late which is why I didn't cook anything. I hear a honk outside, so I grab my bags and smoothie and run out the door. My parents are already gone so I lock the door behind me.

Wow, that is one nice car. I don't know much about cars, but I do know that theirs is a convertible, and very new by the look of the paint job.

"Wow, nice car." I say as I get in.

"Thanks." Xavier says.

He's driving right now, so I assume the vehicle is his. I'm sitting in the back by myself but whatever. The hood is down right now so as we drive, the wind blows my hair into my face.

"Oh hey, guess what?" I say.

"What?" Aaron and Xavier say simultaneously.

"I met Hayden yesterday."


"No way."

They say at the same time. Again.

"Yes way. She was very shocked, and pretty nice, and just like I said, was the definition of the school sweetheart." I said.

"Wow. So she's like the opposite of you then right?" Aaron says.

I slap him on top of his head.

"Ow!" he says, rubbing his head.

"That hurt!"

"It was supposed to." I say with a smirk.

I can see the corners of Xavier's mouth turn up slightly in the rearview mirror.

Aha! So he is capable of showing emotion!

"But anyways, how did it go?" Xavier asks.

"The encounter? We just stared at each other, then I left. After the soccer tryouts, she came up to me and we talked. Oh and by the way, she's joining us for lunch. In the cafeteria." I explain.

The boys just exchange a glance, shrug and say, "Sure, okay."

I narrow my eyes and say, "What are you not saying?"

"What do you mean?" Aaron says innocently.

"I mean, there's something your not saying, so spit it out."

They look at each other again and sigh.

"I don't know, something just feels off about it." Aaron replies.

"I had no intention of hanging out with her, but she asked, and insisted a little." I say as I roll my eyes.

They just shrug again and say, "Okay."

When we arrive at school I can once again feel the stares of people as I get out of the car. It's wonderful being the center of attention all the time when I'm with Aaron and/or Xavier isn't it? No it's absolutely not. I do not like it. But they're pretty good friends, so I'll deal with it.

My first class is with Xavier so we stop by our lockers, send Aaron to his class, and head to ours. French 12. Lovely. I'm in grade 11, but I'm taking a bunch of grade 12 courses. I finished English last year, mostly online, so now I'm taking French. My dad speaks fluent French, so he's taught me a lot about the language.

We start the class by having a simple conversation with the person next to us. So Xavier for me. I'm surprised at how well he can speak it, and I can tell he's just as surprised at how well I can do the same. My dad liked to converse in French with me a lot, so I can now speak French fluently. But Xavier's French is almost flawless. From the accent to the pronunciation.

"You have really good French." I say.

"Thanks. You too." he grins.

Wow, something almost close to a smile. We're getting somewhere.

"Where'd you learn to speak French so well?" I ask.

"I was an international student in France for a semester 2 years ago. What about you? You speak it as well as I do." he explains

"My dad's French, so he taught me the language." I reply.

"Oh nice."

The teacher, decided not to assign us any homework so that's a relief. I love it when teachers decide not to overwhelm students and assign them boatloads of homework. It's pretty rare once you hit high school.

My next class is Pre-Calculus 12 with Aaron. I love how I have so many classes with him. It's great because then I'm not a loner.

Aaron is actually pretty good at math. Like you wouldn't think it by the looking at him, but he is.

We don't have as much of an issue with anxious girls trying to get to him in this class because the math teacher is very.... let's say involved. She's strict but very nice, and she talks a lot. She explains everything and really makes sure we understand. I like her. It's really nice that the teacher cares about their students education. Also, most of the smart kids are in this class, so yeah.

"Oh ya, by the way, how did your guys football tryouts go?" I ask.

"Well, we both made the team, so I guess we were pretty good. They went alright though. The people were nice." He shrugs.

"Good for you. I knew you guys would make the team." I say as I punch his arm.

"Awe, thanks. But how did your soccer tryouts go?"

"Well I feel like I did really well. I made the team which is great. But I didn't really get a chance to get to know anyone else because you know, Hayden."

I'm a little annoyed about that, but I got a competitive vibe from people, and I could tell who I would like, and who I wouldn't.

"Nice! I'm so proud of you." He says patting my head.

"Yeah never pat me on the head unless you want to lose that hand." I say with a fake smile.

He immediately retracts his hand and hold it.

I laugh, and refocus my attention to my work.

I'm really happy that I made friends so quickly here. I wasn't expecting it at all. I was just going to lay low, but it's kinda hard when you're immediately friends with two really hot guys. But they are great friends so I'm happy.

We get quite a bit of homework, but I expected it. It is math after all. But now it's finally lunch. Great! I'm really hungry. I'm not that hyped to hang out with Hayden, but I'll try to be nicer to her. Ian however very hyped to see what kind of food they serve here.

I drag Aaron down to the cafeteria faster than you can blink.

"Well someone seems very eager to eat lunch." He laughs.

"Well that smoothie was not as filling as I'd hoped it would be."

"Why didn't you make something else then?" He says as he rolls his eyes.

"I didn't have time. I was running late." I say as I will my eyes too.

He just gives me a weird look and raises his eyebrow questioningly.

"I went on a run this morning begat I had extra time since you decided to pick me up and drive me, but I ran for too long, so I had to rush, and didn't have time to make a full breakfast." I explain.

"You ran this morning?" He says like it would be the last thing that could've made me late.

"Yes. I am a soccer player after all. Plus I needed to clear my head, and running is the best way for me to do that."

"Okay." Is all he says.

We get our food and sit down at a table. He sits beside me and we talk a bit about our cover for the music class while we wait for Hayden and Xavier.

We wait for another five minutes before they arrive. Together I might add. I guess they just had a class together.

"Hey guys, this is Hayden." Xavier introduces me.

"Dude, I realized. Plus I'm sure Amber knows." Aaron states.

"And that's Aaron, my little brother."

"I'm not little!" Aaron yells.

"No, but you act like it." I laughs.

Aaron just pouts. It's funny. But then he starts to laugh too.

"Wow, you guys really do look identical to each other." Aaron says.


"I know right"

Hayden and I both say simultaneously. Our eyes meet and she smile at me which I return with a half smile.

Be nice Amber! But I don't want to...

"This is so weird but cool!" she exclaims.

She is a little childish..

"It feels like I'm looking into a mirror." she's mesmerised by it.

And now it's annoying

"Yeah, it does." I agree.

"Oh, and sorry if I seemed really creepy yesterday. It must have been really weird to have a girl come up to you and say let's hang out." Hayden laughs awkwardly.

"Don't forget the identical part." I laugh.

I'm trying pretty hard to be nice. I think it's working. I feel Aaron's stare on me. I look at him and our eyes meet. He raises his eyebrow, and I sort of gesture with me head and eyes that we'll talk about it later. He seems to get it and kids slightly.

"How's school going for-?" Xavier strats to ask but gets interrupted by Liam. Hayden's boyfriend.

"Hey babe."

She tries to turn around to see him but get kissed instead.

"Oh hey. What are you doing here? I thought you were going to eat with your friends?" she asks.

"Well I am. I'm just checking up on you before I do."

Aw he's sweet. Wow Xavier looks shocked, and now he looks very stoic.

Aaron and I exchange a glance, smirk and nod. We both know what's up.

Liam leaves after a short conversation with Hayden, but not before he plants another kiss on her forehead and smiles at Aaron and Xavier.

I guess they know each other from football tryouts yesterday.

Aaron and I turn our focus to Xavier and he raises an eyebrow in question. Aaron just wiggles his eyebrows and I just smirk. He looks at us and has that "come on guys" expression on his face.

"What?" Hayden asks, obviously confused.

"Oh nothing." Aaron says winking at his brother.

"We just.. got something. Don't worry about it." I finish with a smirk.

Hayden just scrunches her eyebrows in confusion and Xavier shakes his head.

Aaron and I high five. This is so going to become a thing. We're developing quite a shorthand.

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