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"Babe, what do you think? Should I wear this dress or the other one for tomorrow's party?" I ask Liam, wanting his opinion.

You know, because I'm going with him. This is the first big party so it's pretty important. Especially because the captain of the football team is hosting it, Victor Sanders.

"They both look beautiful on you babe." he replies.

"Thanks babe."

"You should wear the second one." Ella says excited.

"No! You should totally wear the third one." Charlotte disagrees.

"Seriously Charlotte? No, go with the second one." Ella argues.

"No, go with my opinion. I'm much better at fashion anyways." Charlotte crosses her arms.

And this is when I back away. I just go with my opinion and try to not get involved in their fight.

"I think I'll go with the first one." I mumble to myself not wanting a bloodbath.

And plus, with the first dress, I can match it up with the heels I have at home.

We go to the cashier to pay for our dresses.

"Hey, do you want me to come and pick you up or are you going to catch a ride with Evan?" Liam asks me while we wait for Ella and Charlotte to buy shoes.

"Hm, I can just meet you there. No need to waste gas and plus, I rather not be stuck in your car with some random jocks."

"Haha alright."

"So how's football? Are Aaron and Xavier doing good?"

"Um, yeah. They're doing pretty good I guess." he says kind of bitter...?

Is he jealous that I haven't asked about him first? That's adorable.

I kiss his cheek.

"What was that for?"

"I don't know. You being jealous is cute." I smile.

He smiles back and I hug him.

"You don't have to be jealous love. They're just good friends and I know I have been hanging out with them a lot but that will change if you don't like that."

"No, no. It's fine if you hang out with them. I trust you."


"Are going to come to the party tonight at Victor's?"

"Well, I'm not sure. I don't even have a date to bring so I'm not sure if it'll be worth it."

"You have to come Xavier and if you need a date, I can hook you up with someone. I sure there's a line of girls wanting to go with you and if not, you can hang out with me and Liam."

"And is everyone invited? Can I bring my brother and Amber?"

"Well, not really but I can pull some ties. Amber and Aaron should totally come! No, they need to come. You included. This is like the first big party of this year and it's going to be so much fun!"

"It's settled. I guess you'll be seeing us there." he confirms.


"Alrighty. I'm so glad you guys are going to come." I gush.

"Well, there's nothing else to do I guess. Um, you want a ride there?"

"Oh, that's thoughtful of you but I've already got a ride. Thank you for asking though."

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