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Krist's POV

'Bzzzzz' My phone vibrates during my me time with my guitar. But it ain't stop me from playing. 'Bzzzzz' it vibrates again. Well pretty sure it has to be Singtuan who chat me. It must be from him. I just had a feel about that. Because we just chatted while ago, and ended our conversation with me 'good luck'-ing him on his study for today.

As a revenge of the 'ignoring my text first'. I intentionally didn't open his chat right away and keep on playing my guitar. 'Bzzzzz' hmm feel like he just bombarded me, I peek at my phone a little, "I know you're not busy! Stop playing game, I'm gonna show you something cool." his chat popped out and I immediately grab my phone as fast as I can. Just can't ignore him as a person, isn't it?

"I'm playing my guitar though."

"So what kind of-.." I haven't done with my text that supposed to be sent to him, yet he shares one of good shot of me. Well you know, he likes to take a photos and one of his favorite objects is no other than me. How blessed I am to have such a good photographer whom willingly to take any pictures of me as a memories.

"Look how good I am to you! Even though you ignore my text, still I give you something good." He said after he sent me this great photo. Lol! Look like someone's mad.

"Ehe P' if you told me that you wanted to send me this good quality picture, I would open your chat right away" I said along with laugh emoticon. "You ignored my chat earlier," I continue.

"I was about to replied you back but teacher told us to collect our task so yea. Ain't nobody have time for that" To be honest, I understand him yet just wanted to give him back what I got lmao.

"Hmm okay. Anyway thanks for the photo, Bubs. Gotta share it on my Instagram. Eheeey" I was truly happy, it's not only because he shared that photo to me. It was because I suddenly remember the story behind that photo.

We were having a schedule together at that time, and before it started we were told to wait for a bit because the staffs were still preparing things. It turned out that we needed to wait for a bit longer. I wasn't really in the mood anymore but that guy.. I meant P'Sing really knew how to get my mood back again. After he made himself busy playing game, he started to take a picture of me secretly at first until he called me "Bubs look here 1 2 3!!!". Me who wasn't prepared at all got annoyed by his action. "P'!!! I'm not in the mood. Stop it!" I hid my face behind my sweater. "Come on! I did it so that you get back on your good mood. Give me a pose now 1 2 3..." How annoying he was, right? I kept my straight face.

"Okay jackpot! I got your ugly face here. Don't blame me if this one is spread around social media huh.." I immediately grab his phone and look at the photo. That was really not a good photo of mine. "Hell no. Not this one. Only you can see this. Come take more photo of me, P'!" Without me knowing I did some pose for him and my mood really did back to a good one. I saw him chuckle a bit. I know he enjoyed it too. "Okay ready 1 2 3.." He said as he constantly took a photos of me and said 1 2 3 countlessly as I also make many poses for him.

That was the story. I couldn't believe either that my mood changed that fast or maybe because he threatened me by wanting to share the ugly photo of mine on his social media. Lol!

Singto's POV

How cute he is. At the other side I'm smiling ear to ear because of his recent message. Not long after that, I got a notification of his recent activity on Instagram. If you're wondering, yes two of us turn on each other notification on our social media, so that we know what we're up to. Like last time, I wrongly typed a caption on Instagram, and he notified me immediately told me that I should change it right away. LMAO! Stupid indeed.

It's a break time, so currently eating my lunch while chatting with Krist now. It's one of my ways of calming my mind after the hectic classes I think. It's always fun. After I finished my lunch, I call him and not long after that he answered the call.

"Break time, P'?"

"Yes just finished my lunch. Have you eaten yet?"

"Uhm, I've eaten. How was the class so far?"

"Hmm so so? Still good but you know another task is coming. I feel like dying already"

"5555 don't laa you feel like dying then who's becoming my partner?" Seriously he is concerning about that? Lol! "Stoopid!!" I said as I laugh at him.

"Anyway, P'! When I was about to upload photo earlier, I saw some posts that we just won another award as a best couple. I knew it just now. Peoples are tagging me and you" He said as I try to remember.

"Really? Haven't seen the posts yet. Our peoples are indeed the best huh" I said feeling kinda proud because to be honest I've never expect us to receiving such a big support from them and it's not our first or second time got this kind of award. If I'm not mistaken, it's our fifth time. How great.

"Indeed. Think we need to take it more serious, P'!"

"What do you mean by take it more seriously?" What does he mean? I don't really understand.

"I meant like... Literally take it seriously... getting real.. ehm..."

Ahh that's what he refers to. Omg I can't really. He is too cute. I laugh hardly to the point my colleagues are staring at me. "Are you laughing rn? Is it 'that' funny?" Krist heard me laughing and I might say he kinda upset about my reaction. "Okay I'm hanging up". Right he is upset.

"Wait wait no!! It's just.. I find it silly. What are you saying? Don't you think what we've been doing so far are the realest things ever? I've never been such a touchy person and taking care of others like the way I'm taking care of you though. Am I the only one who feeling that way? So you're saying we aren't in 'that term' kind of relationship..?"

"I don't say that. Find it fascinating about things that happened too, and no you're not the only one who feeling that way. Just want to make sure because Singtuan is so busy these days. Let's just say that's a reminder for you!"

"Alright I get it. Well because we just won the award. Again. As you were surprised when I said your name on my speech when we were at another award event, I thank you again for being there and hope we can keep on taking care of each other like we usually do" Ohoo I know it sound so cheesy but I meant it. Every words.

"Whaa cheesy Singtuan. But anyway I thank you too! Thank u for being there and take care of me. Hope we can continue on" He said on the other line with that kind of smiling voice.

"Do not forget we have another practice for our next fan meeting." He reminds me of our next schedule, maybe in case I forgot, because I have lots more things to do. Well it's kinda weird because I have P'Jane as my manager and of course he will inform me about my work schedules. But who wouldn't be happy if I got Krist who always take care of me, told me this and that? Blessed indeed.

"I got it, Khun Krist. Anyway, I gotta go okay? Have to search some books at the library right now."

"Ohh uhm okay. Bye, P! Good luck (again) uh. Don't ignore me or.. you will see!"

"Hahahaha I know. Sorry about that. Talk to you later huh. Bye!" I hung up the phone and go straight away to library because I just remember that I have appointment with my friends to search for some reference books. Lol!

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