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Krist's POV

"Here's your change, Sir" The worker gives me a change and I reach for the things I've bought, "Oh thank you!" I smile at her. Then I go to GMM buildings, its practice room to be exact which is right next to the store.

I meet some fans at the lobby so I greet them nicely, yet keep on walking because I don't want to be late. "Krist, here's some foods for you. Share it with the others na!" One of fans handed me foods they brought. I stop in front of her to accept the present, "Wha thank you. Actually you don't have to but, thank you so much. I will share the foods with others, okay?" I smile at her and she smiles back at me, nodding her head. "I have to go now. So sorry I'm going first" I wave my hands to them.


When I reach the practice room, I found P'Sing sits on the floor, busily typing his laptop (again). Whattt he arrived first? Apparently I and P'Sing had to come to the practice room a little bit earlier than the others because we need to practice for our own part more for our next big event, which is will be hold in May 5th. So in this big practice room, there are just me, P'Sing, the coaches, and staffs. The other casts haven't arrived yet.

I greet them all who are in practice room and I go near P'Sing, sits next to him. "I thought you're gonna be the one who coming late,"

"Well I decided to continue this here, and so I don't have to buy the coffee" He points out at his laptop screen and smirk at me. Wth he purposely coming here first so that he doesn't have to buy me a coffee and just decided to continue the assignments here? Earlier we chatted and made a bet that whoever comes first deserved a can of coffee from the others, so here he is. Never thought he is this sneaky only for a can of coffee. Cheap Singtuan!

I handed him the coffee, feeling annoyed. "I kinda smell it actually that you'd arrive here first from the voice message you sent me," I could sense his strong-will. Just only for a coffee. "So here's your coffee, Khun Singto!". He smiles at me. Errgh.

"So what is it? Still the same assignments from yesterday?" I try to forget about the bet we made and asking him about his assignment. Do they have to give him so many assignments like this? Like.. hello lecturers!... It's me whom he grumbled at to... Moreover when he got so many assignments like this. Oh my god. It's not like I don't like him to grumble about his studies at me and such, but have a pity with this brother of mine. Can't you see his body is already as thin as plywood?

He nods at me. Enjoying the coffee I just gave him and continue typing the words. "Uhm. Last time I just had to do revision of my friend's script. Hers is going nowhere so I had to help. Now, it's my turn to write my own script."

"Tell me why you have to do your friend's script? Shouldn't she done it by herself?" I frown at him. Why there's no difference between him and Kongpob? Tsk.

"It's a group project, Buds! Still I have to help her since she is a part of the team. Now I have to finish mine." He explains and looking at me in the eyes, then sipping his coffee again.

"Well yea whatever you say. What script is it anyway? Radio script?" I look at his screen laptop and read the 'radio script' written there. "Yes, although it's a group project, each of us has to write our own script."

"Finished already?" I scroll and read the script he wrote.

"Just add lil bit at the ending part and I'm done. Have to try it out after that"

"Practice it with me then! Look at me!" I already am facing him. I tap his shoulder and make him facing me. "Think of me as one of your listeners!"

"How come the radio broadcaster has to face the listeners like this? They should've just listened to our voice". He chuckles at me and complaining about why he should practices it in front of me.

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