Phone call

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Krist's POV


I sent a message to Singtuan after I saw P'New recent post on Instagram. I wasn't aware about it actually, but P'Tay's comment which had my username on it brought me to the post.

'Watch your back..' I commented on it and immediately message Fiat to join me doing something.

Teasing Singtuan.

And of course he would join me to set the fire.

"You go first, P'! I'll add some salt later."

With the last message Fiat sent me, I post a photo of me with him on Instagram and write down a great teasing-line caption on it. Without waiting for long, Fiat's comment also popped out. There you go my son!

Not only there. I also started teasing him on Twitter. I made a conversation with Fiat there and because we had so much fun, turns out we tweet quite a lot. Even some fans are joining our conversation through tweet because they find it fun too!


I reach my condo after finished my schedule for today; go showering then I make myself comfortable with my best companion, sofa and thinking of being a couch potato after such a tiring schedule.

I close my eyes while my mind wandering around. Smile appears from my lips without me knowing.

Next thing I know my phone suddenly buzzed and turns out it's a call from P'Sing.

I take the call immediately.


"Hey I just saw your recent update on your social media" He says.

With such a tease tone I ask him back "And...?"

"Funny na!! You gotta get people misunderstood about that"

"Just for a while doesn't hurt. I'm going to take it down real soon actually. Teasing Peraya is so much fun after all"

"Yeah whatever you say."

"You're the one who started first!"

"What?? Me? It's P'New not me. Aint nobody got time for that when they're in final exam week though. Tsk funny!" I heard him laughing.

For some reason, I could hear the noise of the crowd through the phone.

"Eh did you arrive home yet? Why is it so noisy there? Going somewhere?" He said he is busy with the exam yet he still got time for wandering around. To have fun.

"Well I did. Only to changed my shirt. Then I decided to go strolling around the mall and you know.. Pretty much playing with the camera"

Singto's POV

There are so many people by the time I arrived at the place. Like more packed because apparently there's an event being held. I remember I was going to give Krist a call then I stopped the music I listened and call him.

It didn't take long for him to answer me and I went straight to the point. To the thing I want to tell him before I forgot. About the post and such. I shake my head once I know his intention of doing that. Actually I was so sure of him being naughty, but hearing it from himself, I can't help but wondering why he is so darn mischievous.

"Eh did you arrive home yet? Why is it so noisy there? Going somewhere?"

"Well I did. Only to changed my shirt. Then I decided to go strolling around the mall and you know.. Pretty much playing with the camera" I answer him while taking every single object that got my attention.

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