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I stayed with Newt after that. I maybe wanted to see Gellert again, ask him what that had been about. Instead, I found a young boy, scared, and shy, cowering in a corner. Just like I had once been. I approached him, curious, and he flinched away. "Who are you?" He asked quietly, and I smiled softly, and sat next to him. Newt looked at me, and I smiled. I knew he was going with Tina, and Jacob to Tina's house, and I'd catch up. He hesitated, then walked on. "I'm Sasha. How about you?" I answered his question quietly, and then I heard the distinctive clap sound of apparition. I turned my head, my messy hair whipping around, and I saw Percival Graves. Well. Gellert. In disguise. "Sasha? What are you doing here?" He asked. I looked up at him, into his eyes, which weren't really his eyes. "He looked like me. Just like me when I was younger. I know how he feels." I mumbled, and Gellert frowned, and looked at the boys hands. They were covered in cuts, and I gasped, anger building in me. "Who did this?" I asked, my voice dangerously low. I noticed Gellert grinning as he healed the boys hands with a simple touch. I knew he was smiling at how angry I'd gotten so quickly, and how protective I was. I barely knew the boy, yet I was concerned as ever. "He lives at an orphanage, Sasha. The woman who runs the place did it." Gellert said. I frowned, and the boy looked at me. "Don't hurt her." He mumbled. I growled, annoyed, and Gellert placed a hand on my shoulder, making me tense. I still didn't like physical contact though, regardless of who I was getting it from. He remembered this, and reluctantly moved his hand again. "Sorry." He mumbled so quietly, I almost didn't hear. Luckily, I did, and I smiled at him. "Wait. What's your name?" I asked the boy. He smiled halfheartedly.        "C-Credence." He whispered, and I smiled. Gellert was now watching curiously.

Gellert's P.O.V
I was fascinated by how protective she suddenly was of Credence. It was surprising. The last time I'd seen her so protective was back when we were 16, and she was protecting her owl. She didn't do too god a job though, and even my healing skills could not save the Eagle Owl.  This time, however, I had a feeling that she was going to do just fine. I knew she'd do fine. Sasha looked at me, and grinned. "You didn't tell me why you were here." She stated, and I bit my lip. "I couldn't stay away." I smirked, joking, and I noticed her blush. Aw. That was cute.
"You've got heterochromidia iridium." She said suddenly. I looked at her, confused. "Your eyes." She added. As if that helped. She didn't explain, though, and I sighed. I hated it when she got all cryptic. She stood suddenly, and frowned. I should get back...well. See you later?" She mumbled, and I nodded, turning my attention to Credence. She walked off, following in the direction her cousin had gone.

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