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Swara: (shocked) What!!!! Are you serious Lucky? I was just out of station for two days and you did these all. At least you would have tell me once about your plan. But no you just made him engaged to someone as Ragini di has a son. But didn't you atleast think may be she must be having any reason to be as his mother or she is doing for someone else.

Laksh: (angry) Shut up Shona. Do you think I did not enquiry about her and did this to my brother. For god sake he is my brother and do you think I will spoil his life.

Swara: (folding her hands across her chest) oh really! Then what did you get to know about her?

Laksh: I got to know that he is her son... her own son...

Swara: (shocked) but she... She doesn't look like married.

Laksh: I know but... (He stops)

Screen shifts to Sanskar's cabin.

Sanskar is in his cabin trying to the concentrate on the work but could not. His mind is filled with all the incidents happened in the morning. He is really disturbed with the happenings of the day. He is sitting holding his head. At that time he hears a sweet soothing voice. His lips curve into a smile.

Sanskar: yes come in Ragini (says he looking at the file to avoid himself getting lost in her)

Ragini comes inside and starts asking doubts showing a file. Sanskar with a lot of difficulty keeps telling her but he did not even glance at her once.

Ragini is speaking but suddenly she started to cough. Sanskar immediately looks at her and gives her a glass of water. Ragini's eyes became teary due to continuous coughing. Sanskar slowly wipes her tears being lost in her. Ragini looks at him and they both get lost in eyelock.

Sanskar could depict the pain in her eyes. He just wants to be the one who removes that pain from her eyes. He wants to see himself in her eyes. He wants to see only happiness in her eyes. Whereas Ragini found something for her in his eyes which she could not figure out.

Their eyelock gets disturbed by the ring of Sanskar's phone. Sanskar averts his eyes from her and takes the call. After call they get back to their work.

But Sanskar most of the time gets lost in her beautiful face.

Sanskar: (suddenly) Will you be my friend?

Ragini: (looks at him shocked) What!

Sanskar: Will.You.Be.My.Friend?

Ragini looks at him with wide eyes.

Ragini: sir

Sankar: uff Ragini it is just a simple question and you are shocked for it. Actually I generally speak to everyone friendly in office. But I found that you are not comfortable with me on your first day. So I was professional and now I thought we can be friends so asked you. If you aren't comfortable then it is ok.

Sanskar made a sad face and started doing work again while Ragini forwarded her hand.

Sanskar looked at her hand and then at her.

Ragini: (with her cute smile) Friends?

Sanskar smiles happily and joined his hand with her and they both shook their hands making a new relationship 'Friendship'.

At that time SwaLak come there and open the door with a bang making both RagSan startle and look in that direction.

SwaLak look at their joined hands and look at eachother.

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