35) No Wedding

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Hello guys 👋👋👋

Confused reading name of the chapter? Read it you will understand 😂😂


Ragini who is staring the ceiling gets disturbed by the vibration of her phone. She looks at the Id and frowns. She takes the call and starts whispering.

Ragini: (whispering) What happened sir? Why are you calling me this late?

Sanskar: This sir is missing his employee a lot.

He pouts. Ragini smiles imagining his face.

Ragini: (looking at dadi who is sleeping beside her and whispers) Sir I am sleepy and my dadi is keeping an eye on me as she got doubt that I have a boy friend. I need to cut the call.

Sanskar: (hurriedly) No no Ragini. Cutting the call in middle of the conversation is sin. You should not do it.

Ragini suppresses her laugh hearing his words.

Ragini: (whispers) Then I don't have any problem to commit that sin. Now sleep. Good night. Bye.

She cuts the call. Sanskar looks at the phone with open mouth. He fumes and barges out of his room. He stands exactly infront of Ragini's room.

He calls her again. She rejects it. He fumes more. He texts her.

Sanskar: If you don't come out in next two minutes I will come and kidnap you then don't blame me Mrs. Sanskar Maheshwari.

Ragini: Do whatever you want. I don't care.

That's it for Sanskar he opens the door of her room. Ragini's eyes widen in shock. She expected the door to be locked but she forgot that she forgot to lock. Sanskar just moved to her and lifted her in his arms. She was about to squeak but controls herself. She glares him while Sanskar continues walking ignoring her glare.

Once they come out of the room.

Ragini: (whisper screams) What the hell Sanskar!

Sanskar: Oh Now Sanskar? What happened to your sir Mrs. Employee?

Ragini: (keeping her hand around his neck) He is angry.

Sanskar: Oh why?

Ragini: Don't know.

Sanskar: Then no problem. Leave the the job. Let us spend whole time together. Only you and me.

Ragini shakes her head in disbelief. Just then she noticed that he brought her out of the house.

Ragini: Where are you taking me?

Sanskar: Kidnapping!

Ragini: (making a worried face) Sanskar what if dadi wakes up? You know na she wasn't well. She may need me.

Sanskar: Dadi wasn't well in the morning but now she is fine. She is under medicine effect. She will not wake up till morning. And we will be back in just two hours. So Mrs. Maheshwari don't take tension. Just concentrate on me.

He says keeping her in the car. Ragini keeps looking at him innocently while he gets into the driving seat.

Ragini: Where are you taking me?

Sanskar: (rolling his eyes) How many times you ask yaar? I told na I am kidnapping you.

Ragini: (pouts and folds her hands accross her chest) I am angry now.

She looks outside. Sanskar chuckles.

Sanskar: Jaan.

Ragini twists her lips still looking at her.

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