Carter Reynolds/Jack Johnson pt.4

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You sat behind the stage, talking to Mahogany while Carter and the boys were onstage dancing. You told her everything about what happened with carter and Jack.

"That's terrible. And that explains a lot about how Jack has been acting today."

"What's wrong?"

"He's been kinda moping around, you know not his usual self. Man, I feel bad for the poor guy. He poured his heart out and you still went for carter. The heart wants what the heart wants, I guess. That's my Que.. Catch ya later girlie!"

Mahogany was right..sorta. But Jack was like a brother, and Carter was your baby.



You walked to Carter's room with him.

"You don't need your bags yet, no clothes required tonight babe."

"Oh really?" You smirked.

"Oh no. We have some making up to do. I gotta piss first." He dropped his stuff on the bed and went to the bathroom.

His phone buzzed.

'Should I check it?' You thought. You were curious but things were going so well...

It buzzed again.


You picked up his phone and didn't even have to unlock it.

*new text from: Maddisonnn😈🔥😈*

Hey, Carter. Just wanna say last night was uh-may-zing. You are a GOD. You're not still with that whore (y/n) are you? Cos I wanna hook up again tonight ;)

*new text from: Mom👘

Carter, we need milk. Bring back milk.

Was this a joke? Carter lied to you the whole time. Fuck. You screwed everything up with Johnson, who loved you. Carter doesn't love you, he lied to you.

The toilet flushed and the sink turned on. Carter came out of the bathroom.

"Time to fuck."

"Fuck yourself." You said and threw the phone at him. "Your mom needs milk, by the way."

You walked out of the room. Carter called from behind and you kept going. Tears began to finally escape from your eyes. You knocked on Jacks door to get your bags.

He looked at you.

"Just need my bags." You said looking down.

He let you in and you walked right pasty him. The tears were streaming out fast so you kept wiping your face. Jack noticed.

"Whats wrong??" He said grabbing your hand and escorting you to the bed.

"You were right! I should never have trusted Carter! He lied to me! Last night after the fight, he hooked up with Maddison! I'm so stupid! And.." You had to stop to breathe. "And you poured your heart out to me.. And I'm so stupid I ignored it! I went back to the person who didn't love me! And I bet you feel like shit cos of me! You were wrong Jack, I don't deserve someone like you! I don't deserve anyone!"

"It's okay." He said rubbing your back. He pulled you in close and you cried into his chest. "I love you, no matter what (y/n). You made a mistake, nobody's perfect. Carter.. He's just a manwhore. You need someone who will actually be there for you. I still do love you, (y/n), and I want to be there for you."

You look up at Jack who looked serious.

"I love you too, Jack. And.. I want to be with you too." He hugged you and leaned in to kiss you. You kissed back hard and got on top of him. After everything that happened, you needed something to take your mind off it all, and Jack gave you that something.

<it's 1:40 am which tbh is still early 4 me but I'm like tired af and possibly high so idk if this was good or nah. no hate on carter, he's still my bæ💕 just made a good story. peace✌️>

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